brown out

brown out
[ʹbraʋnʹaʋt] phr v амер.
1) уменьшать освещение улиц и витрин (для экономии электроэнергии)
2) вводить частичное затемнение

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "brown out" в других словарях:

  • brown-out — ˈbrown out 7 [brown out] noun (especially NAmE) a period of time when the amount of electrical power that is supplied to an area is reduced …   Useful english dictionary

  • brown|out — «BROWN OWT», noun. 1. a dimming of lights, especially in a city, to conserve power or fuel or to reduce danger of aerial attack. 2. Figurative . loss of attention: »She was in a classroom sequence where Gary suffered a mental brownout over Emily… …   Useful english dictionary

  • brown out — 1. in. [for the electricity] to fade and dim down. (Something less than a black out.) □ The power kept browning out. □ The lights started to brown out, and I thought maybe I didn’t pay the bill for the juice. 2. n. a period of dimming or fading… …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • brown out — 1. noun Temporary dimming of vision, usually with a brown hue and accompanied by loss of peripheral vision or tunnel vision. On rising suddenly from her chair she experienced a brown out and had to sit down again quickly. 2. verb To experience a… …   Wiktionary

  • brown out — transitive verb Etymology: from black out, after English black: brown : to be responsible for a brownout in power shortages browned out much of the nation that winter …   Useful english dictionary

  • Brown-Out — Ein Brownout (engl. brownout = Reduzierung der Lichtstärke, Abdunkelung) bezeichnet: In Stromversorgungsnetzen einen kurzzeitigen Spannungseinbruch welcher als Flicker bezeichnet wird und eine Vorstufe eines Stromausfalls sein kann. Das Absinken… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • brown out — noun (C) AmE a power failure affecting some but not all the electrical lights in an area …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • brown·out — /ˈbraʊnˌaʊt/ noun, pl outs [count] chiefly US : a period when the amount of electricity in an area is reduced because there is not enough for everyone who needs it compare ↑blackout 2 …   Useful english dictionary

  • Out of Sight (disambiguation) — Out of Sight may refer to: Out of Sight (song), a 1964 song recorded by James Brown. Out of Sight (1966 film), a 1966 beach party/spy spoof film directed by Lennie Weinrib Out of Sight (TV series), a 1996–1998 British children s television series …   Wikipedia

  • Out of Sight (song) — For the 1999 song see Guitars (Mike Oldfield album). Out of Sight Single by James Brown from the album Out of Sight …   Wikipedia

  • brown — brownish, browny, adj. brownness, n. /brown/, n., adj., browner, brownest, v. n. 1. a dark tertiary color with a yellowish or reddish hue. 2. a person whose skin has a dusky or light brown pigmentation. adj. 3. of the color brown. 4. (of animals) …   Universalium

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