- pop-visit
- [͵pɒpʹvızıt] n разг.
неожиданный визит гость или гости в неурочное время; ≅ незваный гость
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
pop-visit — popˈ visit noun A visit at an odd time, a casual visit • • • Main Entry: ↑pop … Useful english dictionary
Pop Goes the Weasel (novel) — Pop Goes the Weasel is the fifth book in the Alex Cross series written by James Patterson. Plot introductionThe book begins by introducing the villain, Geoffrey Shafer. He is well dressed and wealthy as he gets out of his big house in Kalorama,… … Wikipedia
visit — [n] social call upon another appointment, call, evening, holiday, interview, sojourn, stay, stop, stopover, talk, tarriance, vacation, visitation, weekend; concepts 226,227 visit [v1] be a guest of call, call on, chat, come around, come by,… … New thesaurus
Pop culture in Puerto Rico — Pop culture in Puerto Rico, it can be said, has been historically affected both by the political changes the island has gone through, and by the changes in popular culture around the world.Timeline of changes in Puerto Rican pop… … Wikipedia
pop in — visit without warning, drop in When I m in your part of town I ll pop in for a visit, okay? … English idioms
pop over — visit for a few minutes, drop over Why don t you pop over and see our wedding pictures? … English idioms
visit — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. call; interview, appointment; stopover, sojourn. v. call on, drop in; stop, stay, tarry; sojourn; afflict, assail. See arrival, sociality. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. social call, call, appointment,… … English dictionary for students
visit — 1. verb 1) I visited my dear uncle Syn: call on, pay a visit to, go to see, look in on; stay with; stop by, drop by; informal go see; pop in on, drop in on, look up 2) she never visits Syn: stop by … Thesaurus of popular words
Pop candy — Infobox Website name = Pop Candy favicon = caption = url = http://blogs.usatoday.com/popcandy/ commercial = Yes type = Blog registration = owner = USA Today author = Whitney Matheson launch date = 1999 current status = ActiveWhitney Matheson s… … Wikipedia
pop — pop1 /pop/, v., popped, popping, n., adv., adj. v.i. 1. to make a short, quick, explosive sound: The cork popped. 2. to burst open with such a sound, as chestnuts or corn in roasting. 3. to come or go quickly, suddenly, or unexpectedly: She… … Universalium
Pop Chalee — Buffalo Dancer by Pop Chalee (Taos Pueblo, 1906 1993), casein on canvas, ca. 1945. Albuquerque International Sunport Art Collection. Pop Chalee, also known as Merina Lujan (1906–1993), was an American painter, muralist, performer, and singer.… … Wikipedia