
1. [braʋ] n
1. бровь

to knit /to bend/ the /one's/ brows - хмурить брови, нахмуриться, насупиться

2. 1) поэт. лоб, чело
2) лоб

brow presentation - мед. лобное предлежание (плода)

3. поэт. выражение лица, вид

an angry brow - сердитое лицо, сердитый вид

4. выступ (скалы и т. п.)

the path runs along the brow of the cliff to the summit - тропинка вьётся по выступу утёса к вершине

5. горн. кромка уступа, бровка
2. [braʋ] v редк.
образовывать край, выступ; обрамлять
II [braʋ] n мор. уст.
мостки, сходни

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "brow" в других словарях:

  • Brow — (brou), n. [OE. browe, bruwe, AS. br[=u]; akin to AS. br[=ae]w, bre[ a]w, eyelid, OFries. br[=e], D. braauw, Icel. br[=a], br[=u]n, OHG. pr[=a]wa, G. braue, OSlav. br[u^]v[i^], Russ. brove, Ir. brai, Ir. & Gael. abhra, Armor. abrant, Gr. ofry s,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • brow — brow; brow·beat·er; brow·den; brow·less; brow·man; brow·ster; high·brow·ism; low·brow·ism; mid·dle·brow·ism; zu·brow·ka; …   English syllables

  • brow — [brau] n [: Old English; Origin: bru] 1.) literary the part of your face above your eyes and below your hair = ↑forehead mop/wipe your brow (=dry your brow with your hand or a cloth because you are hot or nervous) your brow… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • brow — [ brau ] noun count * 1. ) LITERARY the part of your face above your eyes: FOREHEAD: mop your brow (=wipe the sweat from your forehead): He mopped his brow with his handkerchief. furrow/wrinkle/crease your brow (=look worried or as if you are… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Brow — Brow, v. t. To bound to limit; to be at, or form, the edge of. [R.] [1913 Webster] Tending my flocks hard by i the hilly crofts That brow this bottom glade. Milton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • brow — /brow/, n. 1. Anat. the ridge over the eye. 2. the hair growing on that ridge; eyebrow. 3. the forehead: He wore his hat low over his brow. 4. a person s countenance or mien. 5. the edge of a steep place: She looked down over the brow of the hill …   Universalium

  • brow — (n.) words for eyelid, eyelash, and eyebrow changed about maddeningly in Old and Middle English (and in all the West Germanic languages). Linguists have untangled the knot into two strands: 1. O.E. bræw (Anglian *brew) eyelid, from P.Gmc. *bræwi… …   Etymology dictionary

  • brow — [brou] n. [ME broue < OE bru < IE base * bhru , eyebrow > Sans bhrū h, ON brūn] 1. the eyebrow 2. the forehead 3. the facial expression [an angry brow] 4. the projecting top edge of a steep hill or cliff …   English World dictionary

  • brow — [n] forehead countenance, eyebrow, face, frons, front, mien, temple, top; concept 418 …   New thesaurus

  • brow — ► NOUN 1) a person s forehead. 2) an eyebrow. 3) the summit of a hill or pass. DERIVATIVES browed adjective. ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

  • brow — noun 1 line of hair above the eye ⇨ See also ↑eyebrow ADJECTIVE ▪ dark, heavy ▪ bushy ▪ delicate VERB + BROW ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

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