
1. [ʹbrʌðə] n (pl тж. brethren)
1. брат

my elder [younger] brother - мой старший [младший] брат

the brothers Smith, the Smith brothers - братья Смит

sworn brothers - названые братья, побратимы

2. 1) близкий друг, брат
2) друг, приятель, братишка (в обращении)

brother, give me a dime - ≅ приятель, дай пятак

3. 1) (pl brethren) собрат, коллега

brother in arms - собрат по оружию

brother of the brush - собрат по кисти, художник

brother of the quill - собрат по перу, писатель

2) земляк
4. брат, член религиозного братства; монах
2. [ʹbrʌðə] v
1) относиться по-братски
2) называть братом
3) принимать в братство

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "brother" в других словарях:

  • Brother — Broth er (br[u^][th] [ e]r), n.; pl. {Brothers} (br[u^][th] [ e]rz) or {Brethren} (br[e^][th] r[e^]n). See {Brethren}. [OE. brother, AS. br[=o][eth]or; akin to OS. brothar, D. broeder, OHG. pruodar, G. bruder, Icel. br[=o][eth]ir, Sw. & Dan.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Brother E — (real name Efrain Alicea) is an American Christian hip hop artist.Religious beliefAlicea attended a Catholic school and was heavily involved in church activities. As a young man he ran a youth retreat program under the auspices of the Catholic… …   Wikipedia

  • Brother — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos de este término, véase Brother Industries. Brother Título Brother Ficha técnica Dirección Takeshi Kitano Producción …   Wikipedia Español

  • Brother — steht für: Brother (Unternehmen), ein japanisches Unternehmen Brother (Film), ein japanischer Action Thriller Siehe auch Big Brother  Wiktionary: brother – Bedeutungserklärungen, Wortherkunft, Synonyme, Übersetzungen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • brother — [bruth′ər] n. pl. brothers; chiefly religious, brethren [ME < OE brothor < IE base * bhrāter > Goth brothar, L frater, OIr brāthir, Sans bhrātar, Gr phratēr] 1. a man or boy as he is related to the other children of his parents:… …   English World dictionary

  • Brother —   (Brother Industries Ltd.), auf ein 1908 von den Gebrüdern Yasui gegründetes Unternehmen zurückgehender Konzern mit Sitz in Nagoya (Japan); die deutsche Niederlassung Brother International GmbH hat ihren Sitz in Bad Vilbel. Brother erreichte im… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Brother — Broth er, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Brothered}.] To make a brother of; to call or treat as a brother; to admit to a brotherhood. Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • brother — index colleague, counterpart (complement) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 brother …   Law dictionary

  • brother — O.E. broþor, from P.Gmc. *brothar (Cf. O.N. broðir, Dan. broder, O.Fris. brother, Du. broeder, Ger. Bruder, Goth. bróþar), from PIE root *bhrater (Cf. Skt. bhrátár , O.Pers. brata, Gk. phratér, L. frater, O.Ir …   Etymology dictionary

  • brother — [n1] male sibling blood brother, kin, kinsperson, relation, relative, twin; concepts 414,419 Ant. sister …   New thesaurus

  • brother — ► NOUN 1) a man or boy in relation to other children of his parents. 2) a male associate or fellow member of an organization. 3) (pl. also brethren) a (male) fellow Christian. 4) a member of a religious order of men: a Benedictine brother. 5) N.… …   English terms dictionary

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