- Planck's constant
- [͵plæŋksʹkɒnstənt] физ.
константа Планка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Planck's constant — plaŋ(k)s , pläŋ(k)s n a constant that gives the unvarying ratio of the energy of a quantum of radiation to its frequency and that has an approximate value of 6.626 × 10 34 joule second symbol h Planck pläŋk Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (1858 1947)… … Medical dictionary
Planck's constant — [plaŋks, pläŋks] n. [after PLANCK Max (Karl Ernst Ludwig)] Physics a universal constant ( h) which gives the ratio of a quantum of radiant energy ( E) to the frequency (ν) of its source: it is expressed by the equation E = hν, and its approximate … English World dictionary
Planck's constant — Physics. the fundamental constant of quantum mechanics, expressing the ratio of the energy of one quantum of radiation to the frequency of the radiation and approximately equal to 6.624 × 10 27 erg seconds. Symbol: h Also, Planck constant. [1905… … Universalium
Planck’s constant — Planko konstanta statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. Planck’s constant vok. Plancksches Wirkungsquantum, n rus. постоянная Планка, f pranc. constante de Planck, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Planck's constant — Planck s′ (or Planck′) con′stant n. phs a unit used in quantum mechanics that equals the ratio of the energy of a quantum of radiation to the frequency of the radiation, approximately 6.626 x 10 34 joule second Symbol: h • Etymology: 1905–10;… … From formal English to slang
planck's constant — Constant value (6.626 x 10 34 watt seconds squared) which, when multiplied by the frequency of radiation, determines the amount of energy in a photon … Dictionary of automotive terms
Planck's constant — n. (also Planck constant) a fundamental constant, equal to the energy of quanta of electromagnetic radiation divided by its frequency, with a value of 6.626 x 10( 34) joules. Etymology: M. Planck, Ger. physicist d. 1947 … Useful english dictionary
Planck's constant — noun Etymology: Max K. E. L. Planck Date: 1910 a constant that gives the unvarying ratio of the energy of a quantum of radiation to its frequency and that has an approximate value of 6.626 × 10 34 J•s symbol h … New Collegiate Dictionary
Planck's constant — noun Physics a fundamental constant relating the energy of a quantum of electromagnetic radiation to its frequency, equal to 6.626 × 10 34 joules. Origin early 20th cent.: named after the German physicist Max Planck … English new terms dictionary
Planck's constant — /ˈplæŋks kɒnstənt / (say plangks konstuhnt) noun Physics a universal constant (approx. 6.626 × 10 34 joule seconds) expressing the proportion of the energy of any form of wavelike radiation to its frequency. Symbol: h {named after Max Planck,… …
Planck's constant — noun the constant of proportionality relating the energy and frequency of a photon (6.626 x 10 joule seconds); also related to the indeterminacy limit in the Heisenberg uncertainty principle … Wiktionary