- pistol-shot
- [ʹpıstlʃɒt] n
1) пистолетный выстрел2) расстояние пистолетного выстрела
he came within a pistol-shot - он подошёл на расстояние пистолетного выстрела
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
he came within a pistol-shot - он подошёл на расстояние пистолетного выстрела
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Pistol shot — Pistol Pis tol, n. [F. pistole, pistolet, It. pistola; prob. from a form Pistola, for Pistoja, a town in Italy where pistols were first made. Cf. {Pistole}.] The smallest firearm used, intended to be fired from one hand, now of many patterns, and … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pistol shot — noun 1. : the approximate distance a pistol will shoot or send a bullet or shot came within pistol shot 2. : one skilled in or accustomed to pistol shooting … Useful english dictionary
pistol-shot — … Useful english dictionary
pistol-shot pulse — Corrigan p … Medical dictionary
pistol-shot sound — Traube sign … Medical dictionary
Pistol — Pis tol, n. [F. pistole, pistolet, It. pistola; prob. from a form Pistola, for Pistoja, a town in Italy where pistols were first made. Cf. {Pistole}.] The smallest firearm used, intended to be fired from one hand, now of many patterns, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pistol carbine — Pistol Pis tol, n. [F. pistole, pistolet, It. pistola; prob. from a form Pistola, for Pistoja, a town in Italy where pistols were first made. Cf. {Pistole}.] The smallest firearm used, intended to be fired from one hand, now of many patterns, and … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pistol pipe — Pistol Pis tol, n. [F. pistole, pistolet, It. pistola; prob. from a form Pistola, for Pistoja, a town in Italy where pistols were first made. Cf. {Pistole}.] The smallest firearm used, intended to be fired from one hand, now of many patterns, and … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pistol — n. & v. n. 1 a small hand held firearm. 2 anything of a similar shape. v.tr. (pistolled, pistolling; US pistoled, pistoling) shoot with a pistol. Phrases and idioms: hold a pistol to a person s head coerce a person by threats. pistol grip a… … Useful english dictionary
shot — noun 1 act of firing a gun ADJECTIVE ▪ excellent, fine, good, well placed ▪ clean ▪ He killed them with a clean shot to their heads. ▪ … Collocations dictionary
Pistol sword — Spanish 6 shot flintlock sword revolver, 1620 … Wikipedia