- pilot-in-command
- [͵paılətınkəʹmɑ:nd] n ав.
командир корабля
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Pilot in command — The pilot in command (PIC) of an aircraft is the person aboard the aircraft who is ultimately responsible for its operation and safety during flight. This would be the captain in a typical two or three pilot flight crew, or pilot if there is only … Wikipedia
Pilot in Command — Piloten eines Verkehrsflugzeugs der Delta Air Lines (Links: Flugkapitän / Rechts: Erster Offizier) Pilot eines F 16 Militärjets Ein Pilot (frz. pilote v … Deutsch Wikipedia
pilot-in-command — The pilot responsible for the operation and safety of the aircraft. The pilot in command is responsible for the aircraft in flight, as well as when it is operating or moving on the ground. He or she is responsible for operation of the aircraft in … Aviation dictionary
A320 Pilot In Command — Éditeur Wilco Publishing Date de sortie France : 24 avril 2003 Genre Simulateur de vol … Wikipédia en Français
A320 pilot in command — Éditeur Wilco Publishing Date de sortie France : 24 avril 2003 Genre Simulateur de vol … Wikipédia en Français
A320 Pilot in Command — Éditeur Wilco Publishing Date de sortie France : 24 avril 2003 Genre Simulateur de vol … Wikipédia en Français
Pilot licensing in Canada — is governed by Transport Canada in accordance with the Aeronautics Act and the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs). A person may operate an aircraft or act as a flight crew member only with a licence issued by Transport Canada. Personnel… … Wikipedia
Pilot — einer F 16 Ein Pilot (frz. pilote von italien. pilota, zu griech. pedón, ursprünglich: pedotta Steuermann) ist eine Person, die ein Luftfahrzeug steuert oder dazu berechtigt ist. Mitunter wird der Ausdruck im übertragenen Sinne auch für Führer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pilot licensing and certification — Pilot licensing or certification refers to permits to fly aircraft that are issued by the National Aviation Authority (NAA) in each country, establishing that the holder has met a specific set of knowledge and experience requirements. This… … Wikipedia
Pilot-link — is a library of utilities for connecting to and synchronising with Palm OS based PDAs on Unix and Unix based operating systems. It uses a set of conduits for the exchange of information from different Palm applications.pilot link provides command … Wikipedia
Pilot certification in the United States — Front side of an airman certificate issued by the FAA … Wikipedia