- pillow(-)lava
- [ʹpıləʋ͵lɑ:və] (ń) геол.
подушечная, эллипсоидная или шаровая лава, пиллоу-лава
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Pillow lava — à Hawaii (NOAA) Pillow lava au Chenaillet ( … Wikipédia en Français
pillow-lava — ● pillow lava, pillow lavas nom féminin (anglais pillow, coussin, et lava, lave) Ellipsoïde de lave généralement basaltique, de grand axe environ 1 m, à surface vitreuse, résultant de l émission de lave en fusion sous la mer. ● pillow lava,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Pillow Lava — lava solidified underwater assuming pillowlike shapes … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games
pillow lava — ALASKA VOLCANO OBSERVATORY GLOSSARY Interconnected, sack like bodies of lava formed underwater. GLOSSARY OF VOLCANIC TERMS A type of submarine lava flow consisting of interconnected, elongated lava tubes. Cross sections of individual lava tubes… … Glossary of volcanic terms
pillow lava — A general term for lava displaying pillow structure (discontinuous, close fitting, bun shaped or ellipsoidal masses, generally < 1 m in diameter); considered to have formed in a subaqueous environment; such lava is usually basaltic or… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
Pillow-Lava — Kissenlava (NOAA) Kissenlava, OIB ocean island basalt, Caldera de Taburiente … Deutsch Wikipedia
pillow lava — Geol. lava in the form of an agglomeration of rounded, pillow shaped masses, the result of subaqueous or subglacial volcanic eruption. [1900 05] * * * … Universalium
pillow lava — /ˈpɪloʊ lavə/ (say piloh lahvuh) noun lava which has cooled into a mass of rounded pillow like shapes with a fine grained surface, thought to result from sudden cooling under water …
pillow lava — noun The rock type typically formed when lava emerges from an underwater volcanic vent or a lava flow enters the ocean … Wiktionary
pillow lava — noun lava that hardened in rounded shapes suggestive of pillows; believed to result from underwater eruptions • Hypernyms: ↑lava … Useful english dictionary
pillow lava — noun lava which has solidified as rounded masses, characteristic of eruption under water … English new terms dictionary