- brontosaurus
- [͵brɒntəʹsɔ:rəs] n палеонт.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Brontosaurus — bezeichnet: einen Sauropoden, siehe Apatosaurus Brontosaurus (Film), tschechischer Spielfilm von Věra Plívová Šimková Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begr … Deutsch Wikipedia
Brontosaurus — Bron to*sau rus, n. [NL., fr. Gr. bronth thunder + say^ros lizard.] (Paleon.) A genus of large sauropod American dinosaurs of the jurassic era, or an individual of that genus. A length of sixty feet is believed to have been attained by these… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Brontosaurus — (Brontozoum), s. Dinosaurier … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Brontosaurus — Brontosaurus, Dinosaurier, 15 18 m lg., mit winzig kleinem Schädel; im Malm des westl. Nordamerikas … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
brontosaurus — (n.) 1879, Modern Latin, from Gk. bronte thunder + SAURUS (Cf. saurus). Brontes was the name of one of the Cyclopes in Gk. mythology … Etymology dictionary
brontosaurus — brontosaur ron to*saur , n. [NL., fr. Gr. bronth thunder + say^ros lizard.] (Paleon.) a dinosaur of the genus {Brontosaurus}; an individual may also be called a {brontosaurus} or an {apatosaurus}. [PJC] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
brontosaurus — UK [ˌbrɒntəˈsɔːrəs] / US [ˌbrɑntəˈsɔrəs] noun [countable] Word forms brontosaurus : singular brontosaurus plural brontosauruses the old name for an apatosaurus … English dictionary
brontosaurus — /brɒntəˈsɔrəs / (say brontuh sawruhs) noun an apatosaurus. {bronto , combining form from Greek brontē thunder + saurus} Usage: The name brontosaurus was assigned to a fossil found in 1874, thought to be of a previously undiscovered species, but… …
brontosaurus — also brontosaur noun Etymology: New Latin, from Greek brontē thunder + sauros lizard; akin to Greek bremein to roar Date: 1892 any of a genus (Apatosaurus syn. Brontosaurus) of large sauropod dinosaurs of the Jurassic called also apatosaurus … New Collegiate Dictionary
Brontosaurus — Bron|to|sau|rus 〈m.; , ri|er; Zool.〉 riesiger Saurier aus der unteren Kreidezeit Nordamerikas [<grch. bronte „Donner“ + saura „Eidechse“] * * * Bron|to|sau|ri|er, der, Bron|to|sau|rus, der; , …rier [zu griech. bronte̅̓ = Donner (zum Ausdruck… … Universal-Lexikon
brontosaurus — n. (also brontosaur) a large plant eating dinosaur of the genus Brontosaurus, with a long whiplike tail and trunk like legs. Etymology: Gk bronte thunder + sauros lizard … Useful english dictionary