- bronchial
- [ʹbrɒŋkıəl] a
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bronchial — Bron chi*al, a. [Cf. F. bronchial. See {Bronchia}.] (Anat.) Belonging to the bronchi and their ramifications in the lungs. [1913 Webster] {Bronchial arteries}, branches of the descending aorta, accompanying the bronchia in all their ramifications … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bronchial — c.1735, from L.L. bronchus, from Gk. bronkhos windpipe, throat + AL (Cf. al) (1). bronchial tubes is from 1847 … Etymology dictionary
Bronchial... — Bronchial..., so v.w. Bronch...; daher [336] Bronchialarterien u. Bronchialvenen, so v.w. Luftröhrenarterien u. Luftröhrenvenen … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Bronchial — Bronchiāl (grch.), was auf die Luftröhre Bezug hat. Bronchialasthma, Bronchialkrampf, Atemnot bei nervösem Krampf der Luftröhrenmuskeln; Bronchialdrüsen, Lymphdrüsen am Eintritt der Luftröhrenäste in die Lunge … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
bronchial — bronchial, ale [bʀɔ̃ʃjal] adj. ÉTYM. 1666; de bronche. ❖ ♦ Vx. Qui a rapport aux bronches. ⇒ Bronchique. 0 Une artère bronchiale inconnue au plus grand scrutateur du poumon (…) Fontenelle, Éloge des Académiciens, Ruysch … Encyclopédie Universelle
bronchial — bronchial, ale (bron chi al, a l ) adj. Qui a rapport aux bronches. Les arcs bronchiaux. Bronchique est plus employé. ÉTYMOLOGIE Bronche … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
bronchial — BRONCHIAL, ALE. adj. Terme d Anatomie. Qui appartient aux bronches du poumon. Veine bronchiale … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
bronchial — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to the bronchi or bronchioles … English terms dictionary
bronchial — [bräŋ′kē əl] adj. of or pertaining to the bronchi or bronchioles … English World dictionary
bronchial — bron|chi|al [ˈbrɔŋkiəl US ˈbra:ŋ ] adj medical [Date: 1700 1800; : Modern Latin; Origin: bronchialis, from bronchia bronchial tubes , from Greek, from bronchos main brochial tube ] affecting the bronchial tubes ▪ a bronchial infection … Dictionary of contemporary English
bronchial — [[t]brɒ̱ŋkiəl[/t]] ADJ: ADJ n Bronchial means affecting or concerned with the bronchial tubes. [MEDICAL] When he was eight, he got ill with bronchial asthma … English dictionary