- parrot-fashion
- [ʹpærət͵fæʃ(ə)n] adv
как попугай
he repeats everything she says in parrot-fashion - он повторяет как попугай всё, что она говорит
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
he repeats everything she says in parrot-fashion - он повторяет как попугай всё, что она говорит
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
parrot fashion — If you learn something parrot fashion, you learn it word for word. A parrot is a bird from South America that can talk … The small dictionary of idiomes
parrot-fashion — parrot ,fashion adverb BRITISH copying or repeating what someone says without thinking about it or understanding it properly … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
parrot-fashion — ► ADVERB ▪ repeated without thought or understanding … English terms dictionary
parrot-fashion — adv by rote, mechanically, mindlessly, unthinkingly, automatically * * * ▶ adverb MECHANICALLY, by rote, mindlessly, automatically. * * * parrˈot fashion adverb By rote • • • Main Entry: ↑parrot * * * parrot fashion UK US adverb british copying… … Useful english dictionary
parrot-fashion — also parrot fashion ADV: ADV after v If you learn or repeat something parrot fashion, you do it accurately but without really understanding what it means. [BRIT] Under the old system pupils often had to stand to attention and repeat lessons… … English dictionary
parrot-fashion — British & Australian if you learn something parrot fashion, you are able to repeat the words, but you do not understand their meaning. When I went to Sunday school, we had to recite passages from the Bible parrot fashion … New idioms dictionary
parrot-fashion — {adv.} Like a parrot; by rote memorization and without any understanding. * /The candidate delivered a speech that was prepared for him and he read it parrot fashion./ … Dictionary of American idioms
parrot-fashion — {adv.} Like a parrot; by rote memorization and without any understanding. * /The candidate delivered a speech that was prepared for him and he read it parrot fashion./ … Dictionary of American idioms
parrot-fashion — adverb In the manner of a parrot; with thoughtless repetition of what others have said. He failed the tests because he could only recite the lessons parrot fashion … Wiktionary
parrot-fashion — adv Like a parrot; by rote memorization and without any understanding. The candidate delivered a speech that was prepared for him and he read it parrot fashion … Словарь американских идиом
parrot fashion — If you learn something parrot fashion, you learn it word for word. A parrot is a bird from South America that can talk. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions