
[pænʹslɑ:vız(ə)m] n

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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  • Pan-Slavism — was a movement in the mid 19th century aimed at unity of all the Slavic peoples. The main focus was in the Balkans where the South Slavs had been ruled and oppressed for centuries by the three great empires, Austria Hungary, the Ottoman Empire… …   Wikipedia

  • Pan-Slavism — Pan Slav, Pan Slavic, adj. /pan slah viz euhm, slav iz /, n. the idea or advocacy of a political union of all the Slavic peoples. [1840 50; PAN + SLAVISM] * * * Movement to unite Slav peoples of eastern and central Europe. It began in the early… …   Universalium

  • Pan-slavism —    A 19th century politico cultural ideology that advocated the unity of all Slavic speaking peoples, pan Slavism functioned as a tool of Russian influence across Central Europe and the Balkans under both the tsars and the Soviets. Since the… …   Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation

  • Pan-Slavism —    A nineteenth century cultural and intellectual movement that postulated that the cultural and linguistic affinities of the Slavic peoples could serve as the basis for a political association of all Slavs. Pan Slavism began among Slavic… …   Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914

  • pan-Slavism — /pæn ˈslævɪzəm/ (say pan slavizuhm) noun the idea or advocacy of a union of all the Slavic peoples in one political body. –pan Slav, pan Slavic /pæn ˈslævɪk/ (say pan slavik), adjective …  

  • Pan-Slavism — noun Date: 1850 a political and cultural movement originally emphasizing the cultural ties between the Slavic peoples but later associated with Russian expansionism • Pan Slavic adjective • Pan Slavist noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • pan-slavism — “+ noun Usage: usually capitalized P&S Etymology: German panslavismus, from pan + Slavic + ismus ism : a political and cultural movement originally emphasizing the cultural ties between the Slavic peoples but later associated chiefly with Russian …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pan-Slavism — noun A movement aimed at uniting all the Slavic peoples …   Wiktionary

  • Pan-nationalism — is a form of nationalism distinguished by the large scale of the claimed national territory, and because it often defines the nation on the basis of a ‘’cluster’’ of cultures and ethnic groups. It shares the general nationalist ideology, that the …   Wikipedia

  • pan-slav — ˈpan+ adjective Usage: usually capitalized P&S Etymology: back formation from pan slavism : of, relating to, or favoring Pan Slavism the history of Russian Pan Slav imperialism Kurt Glaser …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pan-Turkism — is a political movement aiming to unite the various Turkic peoples into a modern political state, a confederation, or an economic union closely resembling that of the European Union.NameIn the research literature, the term Pan Turkism is used to… …   Wikipedia

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