Смотреть что такое "Pan-Germanic" в других словарях:
pan-germanic — adjective see pan german I … Useful english dictionary
Pan-Germanism — Pan German, adj., n. Pan Germanic /pan jeuhr man ik/, adj. /pan jerr meuh niz euhm/, n. the idea or advocacy of a union of all the German peoples in a single political organization or state. [1880 85; PAN + GERMANISM] * * * Movement to… … Universalium
pan-Germanism — noun the principle or advocacy of a political unification of all Europeans speaking German or a Germanic language. Derivatives pan German adjective pan Germanic adjective … English new terms dictionary
pan-german — I. ˈpan+ adjective or pan germanic |pan+(ˌ) ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ Usage: usually capitalized P&G : of, relating to, or favoring Pan Germanism II. noun or pan germanist … Useful english dictionary
pan-Germanism — /pæn ˈdʒɜmənɪzəm/ (say pan jermuhnizuhm) noun the idea or advocacy of a union of all the German peoples in one political organisation or state. –pan German, adjective, noun –pan Germanic /pæn dʒəˈmænɪk/ (say pan juh manik), adjective …
pan-germanism — ˈpan+ noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized P&G Etymology: French pangermanisme (translation of German alldeutschtum), from pan + germanisme Germanism, from Germanie Germany (from Latin Germania land occupied by the Germanic peoples in western… … Useful english dictionary
Germanic strong verb — In the Germanic languages, a strong verb is one which marks its past tense by means of ablaut. In English, these are verbs like sing, sang, sung. The term strong verb is a translation of German starkes Verb , which was coined by the linguist… … Wikipedia
pan — [OE] Pan is a general West Germanic word, with relatives in German (pfanne) and Dutch (pan), and also, by borrowing, in Swedish (panna) and Danish (pande). It may have been 365 pansy borrowed into Germanic from Latin patina ‘dish’ (source of… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
pan — [OE] Pan is a general West Germanic word, with relatives in German (pfanne) and Dutch (pan), and also, by borrowing, in Swedish (panna) and Danish (pande). It may have been borrowed into Germanic from Latin patina ‘dish’ (source of English paten… … Word origins
Pan-Slavic language — A pan Slavic language is a zonal constructed language for communication among Slavic people. Similarity of the Slavic languages has constantly inspired different people to create Pan Slavic languages. Contents 1 Creation of Pan Slavic languages… … Wikipedia
Austria — Austrian, adj., n. /aw stree euh/, n. a republic in central Europe. 8,054,078; 32,381 sq. mi. (83,865 sq. km). Cap.: Vienna. German, Österreich. * * * Austria Introduction Austria Background: Once the center of power for the large Austro… … Universalium