- Pan-Africanism
- [pænʹæfrıkənız(ə)m] n
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Pan-Africanism — is a sociopolitical world view, and philosophy, as well as a movement, which seeks to unify both native Africans and those of the African diaspora, as part of a global African community .cite web|url=http://www.jpanafrican.com/|title= Sculpting a … Wikipedia
pan-Africanism — 1955, from pan African (1900), from PAN (Cf. pan ) + AFRICAN (Cf. African) … Etymology dictionary
pan-africanism — ¦panˌ, sometimes ¦pän¦äfrikənˌizəm noun Usage: usually capitalized P&A : a movement for the political union of all the African nations • pan african ˌ adjective , usually capitalized P&A • pan africanist ˌ noun or adjective … Useful english dictionary
Pan-Africanism — Pan Africanist, n. /pan af ri keuh niz euhm/, n. the idea or advocacy of a political alliance or union of all the African nations. * * * … Universalium
Pan-Africanism — noun Date: 1952 a movement for the political union of all the African nations • Pan African adjective • Pan Africanist noun or adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
pan-Africanism — noun the principle or advocacy of the political union of all the indigenous inhabitants of Africa. Derivatives pan African adjective … English new terms dictionary
pan-Africanism — /pæn ˈæfrɪkənɪzəm/ (say pan afrikuhnizuhm) noun advocacy of a political alliance or union of all the countries of Africa …
Pan-Africanism — noun A sociopolitical movement seeking to unify native Africans and those of African heritage into a global community … Wiktionary
Pan Africanism — movement that seeks to liberate and unite African people worldwide by promoting development of African culture … English contemporary dictionary
Pan-Af|ri|can|ist — «pan AF ruh kuh nihst», noun, adjective. –n. a person who believes in or supports Pan Africanism. –adj. of or having to do with Pan Africanism … Useful english dictionary
Pan-nationalism — is a form of nationalism distinguished by the large scale of the claimed national territory, and because it often defines the nation on the basis of a ‘’cluster’’ of cultures and ethnic groups. It shares the general nationalist ideology, that the … Wikipedia