
[ʹpælıtbed] = pallet1 I 1

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Смотреть что такое "pallet-bed" в других словарях:

  • pallet bed — noun see pallet II, 2a …   Useful english dictionary

  • pallet — pal let (p[a^]l l[e^]t), n. [OE. paillet, F. paillet a heap of straw, fr. paille straw, fr. L. palea chaff; cf. Gr. ? fine meal, dust, Skr. pala straw, pal[=a]va chaff. Cf. {Paillasse}.] A small and mean bed; a bed of straw. Milton. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pallet (disambiguation) — Pallet may refer to: * A pallet, a portable platform used in the transportation of goods * A bed that is made of straw or is of a makeshift nature * A narrow vertical strip of color in heraldry …   Wikipedia

  • pallet — Ⅰ. pallet [1] ► NOUN 1) a straw mattress. 2) a crude or makeshift bed. ORIGIN Old French paillete, from Latin palea straw . Ⅱ. pallet [2] ► NOUN …   English terms dictionary

  • bed — [n1] furniture for sleeping bassinet, bedstead, berth, bunk, chaise, cot, couch, cradle, crib, davenport, divan, mattress, pallet, platform, sack, trundle; concept 443 bed [n2] patch of ground for planting area, border, frame, garden, piece, plot …   New thesaurus

  • pallet — pallet1 [pal′it] n. [Fr palette: see PALETTE] 1. a wooden tool consisting of a flat blade with a handle; esp., such a tool used by potters for smoothing and rounding 2. PALETTE (sense 1) 3. a low, portable platform, usually double faced, on which …   English World dictionary

  • bed — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. couch, cot, resting place; base, foundation; garden. See support, agriculture, layer. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A place of rest] Syn. couch, pallet, mattress, cot, bedstead, berth, chaise, bunk, roost,… …   English dictionary for students

  • Bed — A bed audio2|En us bed.ogg is a piece of furniture (or a location) primarily used as a place to sleep, and often used for relaxation.To make beds more comfortable, a mattress is usually placed on top of it. The second layer is the box spring… …   Wikipedia

  • bed — Synonyms and related words: Colonial bed, Hollywood bed, Japanese garden, a world without end bargain, accommodation, accommodations, alliance, alpine garden, aqueduct, arboretum, arroyo, band, base, basement, basin, basis, bassinet, bearing wall …   Moby Thesaurus

  • pallet — [[t]pæ̱lɪt[/t]] pallets 1) N COUNT A pallet is a narrow mattress filled with straw which is put on the floor for someone to sleep on. 2) N COUNT A pallet is a hard, narrow bed. He was given only a wooden pallet with a blanket. 3) N COUNT A pallet …   English dictionary

  • bed — n 1. bunk, cot, Brit. lair, U.S. Sl. sack, Brit. Sl. kip; pallet, Inf. tick, mattress, sleeping bag, Chiefly Brit. palliasse couch, lounge, chaise longue, recliner, hammock, litter, stretcher; bedstead, bed frame, four poster, high riser, truckle …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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