out-of-court settlement

out-of-court settlement
полюбовное соглашение (без судебного разбирательства)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "out-of-court settlement" в других словарях:

  • out-of-court settlement — n. An agreement reached privately by the parties to a lawsuit, settling their grievances and ending the lawsuit without intervention by the court. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney… …   Law dictionary

  • out-of-court settlement — n an agreement to end a legal argument, in which one side agrees to pay money to the other so that the problem is not brought to court →settle sth out of court at ↑court1 (1) …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • out-of-court settlement — noun resolution of a dispute prior to the rendering of a final decision by the trial court • Hypernyms: ↑settlement * * * out of court settlement «OWT uhv KAWRT, KOHRT», the settlement of a litigation between parties without the aid or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • out-of-court settlement — The phrase is used with reference to agreements and transactions in regard to a pending suit which are arranged or take place between parties or their counsel privately and without being referred to the judge or court for authorization or… …   Black's law dictionary

  • out of court settlement — agreement reached between two parties currently in litigation which takes the place of a court decision …   English contemporary dictionary

  • out of court — Actions, including negotiations between parties or their attorneys, without any direct involvement of a judge or the judicial system. Most commonly it refers to an out of court settlement in which the parties work out a settlement agreement,… …   Law dictionary

  • out-of-court — UK US /ˌaʊtəvˈkɔːt/ adjective [before noun] ► LAW an out of court agreement or deal is made between people involved in a legal argument without a decision needing to made in a court of law: a(n) out of court settlement/agreement/deal »The case… …   Financial and business terms

  • out–of–court — adj 1: not made under oath or affirmation as part of a judicial proceeding (as a trial or deposition) an out–of–court statement 2: not made or done as part of a judicial proceeding an out–of–court settlement Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law.… …   Law dictionary

  • out-of-court — adj. Arranged privately, outside of court or trial, by parties to a lawsuit. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008. out of court adj. Done …   Law dictionary

  • out-of-court — adjective an out of court settlement is an agreement between the people involved in a legal argument that an amount of money will be paid without the case being decided officially in a law court ╾ ,out of court adverb …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • out-of-court — /owt euhv kawrt , kohrt /, adj. conducted or agreed upon between contending parties without court decision: an out of court settlement of a lawsuit. * * * out of court UK US adjective an out of court settlement is an agreement between the people… …   Useful english dictionary

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