
[ʹɔ:gən͵pleıə] = organist 1

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Смотреть что такое "organ-player" в других словарях:

  • The Little Organ Player of San Juan — est un film muet américain réalisé par Colin Campbell et sorti en 1912. Fiche technique Réalisation : Colin Campbell Scénario : Lanier Bartlett Production : William Nicholas Selig Date de sortie :  États Unis : 26 dé …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Organ — • A musical instrument which consists of one or several sets of pipes, each pipe giving only one tone, and which is blown and played by mechanical means. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Organ     Organ …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Organ trio — Jazz organist Jimmy Smith at a show in Italy in 1994. An organ trio, in a jazz context, is a group of three jazz musicians, typically consisting of a Hammond organ player, a drummer, and either a jazz guitarist or a saxophone player. In some… …   Wikipedia

  • Organ (music) — Organ 1741 Pipe organ in Église Saint Thomas, Strasbourg, France. Classification Keyboard instrument (Aerophone) Playing r …   Wikipedia

  • Player piano — The player piano is a self playing piano, containing a pneumatic mechanism that plays on the piano action pre programmed music via perforated paper rolls. The rise of the player piano grew with the rise of the mass produced piano in the house and …   Wikipedia

  • organ — /awr geuhn/, n. 1. Also called pipe organ. a musical instrument consisting of one or more sets of pipes sounded by means of compressed air, played by means of one or more keyboards, and capable of producing a wide range of musical effects. 2. any …   Universalium

  • Organ grinder — The organ grinder was a musical novelty street performer of the 19th century and the early part of the 20th century, and refers to the operator of a street organ.Period literature often represents the grinder as a gentleman of ill repute or as an …   Wikipedia

  • organ — n. 1 a a usu. large musical instrument having pipes supplied with air from bellows, sounded by keys, and distributed into sets or stops which form partial organs, each with a separate keyboard (choir organ; pedal organ). b a smaller instrument… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Organ — Recorded in various forms some very rare, and including Organ, Oregan, Orgen, Orgin, Origan, and probably Origin, this unusual surname is of early medieval English origin. It has two totally distinct sources, each with its own history and… …   Surnames reference

  • organ grinder — noun The player of a barrel organ …   Wiktionary

  • Hammond organ — A close up of the Hammond L 100 organ, with the drawbars in the foreground The Hammond organ is an electric organ invented by Laurens Hammond in 1934 and manufactured by the Hammond Organ Company. While the Hammond organ was originally sold to… …   Wikipedia

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