- open-heart
- [͵əʋpənʹhɑ:t] a мед.
проводимый на отключённом сердце (об операции); занимающийся операциями на открытом сердце (о хирургии)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
open-heart — adj of, relating to, or performed on a heart temporarily stopped and relieved of circulatory function and surgically opened for repair of defects or damage <open heart surgery> … Medical dictionary
open heart — {n.} 1. No hiding of your feelings; frankness; freedom. * /She spoke with an open heart of her warm feelings for her pupils./ * /She told her troubles with an open heart./ Compare: HEART ON ONE S SLEEVE. 2. Kindness; generosity. * /She… … Dictionary of American idioms
open heart — {n.} 1. No hiding of your feelings; frankness; freedom. * /She spoke with an open heart of her warm feelings for her pupils./ * /She told her troubles with an open heart./ Compare: HEART ON ONE S SLEEVE. 2. Kindness; generosity. * /She… … Dictionary of American idioms
open\ heart — noun 1. No hiding of your feelings; frankness; freedom. She spoke with an open heart of her warm feelings for her pupils. She told her troubles with an open heart. Compare: wear one s heart on one s sleeve 2. Kindness; generosity. She contributed … Словарь американских идиом
open-heart — ¦ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ¦ ̷ ̷ adjective : of, relating to, or performed on a heart temporarily relieved of circulatory function and laid open for inspection and treatment open heart surgery * * * adj, always used before a noun medical : done by stopping the… … Useful english dictionary
open-heart — adjective Date: 1960 of, relating to, or performed on a heart temporarily stopped and relieved of circulatory function and surgically opened for repair of defects or damage < open heart surgery > … New Collegiate Dictionary
open-heart — adj. Open heart is used with these nouns: ↑surgery … Collocations dictionary
Open Heart Zoo — Álbum musical de Martin Grech Publicación 22 de Junlo de 2002 Género(s) Rock alternativo, Gothic Rock Duración 49:13 … Wikipedia Español
Open Heart Pension Hirakawa — (Такаяма,Япония) Категория отеля: 1 звездочный отель Адрес: 506 1315 Гиф … Каталог отелей
Open Heart Symphony — Studio album by Spirit of the West Released 1996 Recorded 1995 … Wikipedia
Open Heart Zoo — is a 2002 album by British alternative rock musician Martin Grech. The title track became famous when it was used by Lexus in a commercial. Open Heart Zoo … Wikipedia