
[͵əʋpənʹendıd] a
1. не ограниченный временем

open-ended agreements - бессрочные соглашения

open-ended discussion - бесконечное /длительное/ обсуждение

2. неокончательный; допускающий изменения, поправки и т. п. (о предложении, проекте и т. п.)

open-ended question - замысловатый вопрос

the discussions were open-ended - переговоры не дали определённого результата

3. неограниченный; свободный; не связанный условиями и т. п.

open-ended interview - нерегламентированное интервью

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "open-ended" в других словарях:

  • Open-ended — may refer to: Open Ended, song by Sebadoh from their 1996 album Harmacy Open ended contract A contract with no definite time limit Open ended (gameplay), dynamic situations or scenarios that allow the individual to determine the outcome Open… …   Wikipedia

  • open-ended — adj. 1. allowing for a spontaneous response; as, an open ended question. Contrasted to multiple choice. [WordNet 1.5] 2. without fixed limits or restrictions, as to tpoic or time; as, an open ended discussion. [WordNet 1.5] 3. allowing for future …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • open-ended — adj 1.) something that is open ended does not have a definite answer or definite rules about how it must be done ▪ an open ended question ▪ These interviews are fairly open ended. 2.) without a particular ending time ▪ an open ended agreement …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • open-ended — open endedness, n. /oh peuhn en did/, adj. 1. not having fixed limits; unrestricted; broad: an open ended discussion. 2. allowing for future changes, revisions, or additions: open ended agreements. 3. having no fixed answer: an open ended… …   Universalium

  • open-ended — [ō′pənen′did] adj. 1. having no set limits as to duration, direction, amount, number, etc.; broad, unlimited, or unrestricted [an open ended discussion] 2. open to change; allowing for modifications as things develop 3. designating or of a… …   English World dictionary

  • open-ended — 1825, from OPEN (Cf. open) (adj.) + END (Cf. end) …   Etymology dictionary

  • open-ended — adjective boundless, ceaseless, changing, continued, continuing, expansive, going on, illimitable, illimited, indecisive, indefinite, indeterminable, inexact, infinite, interminable, limitless, loose, measureless, modifiable, not particular, not… …   Law dictionary

  • open-ended — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ having no predetermined limit or boundary …   English terms dictionary

  • open-ended — Investment fund which has no set limit either in time or money. * * * open ended ˌopen ˈended adjective if someone s involvement in something is open ended, it has no limit or end: • The White House asked Congress for open ended authority to… …   Financial and business terms

  • open-ended — adjective 1. without fixed limits or restrictions (Freq. 1) an open ended discussion • Similar to: ↑unrestricted 2. allowing for a spontaneous response (Freq. 1) an open ended question • Similar to …   Useful english dictionary

  • open-ended — o|pen end|ed [ ,oupən endəd ] adjective 1. ) an open ended question is one that asks people for a comment or an opinion rather than a yes or no answer 2. ) something that is open ended has no limits: The talks will have an open ended agenda. an… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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