- open-and-shut
- [͵əʋpənəndʹʃʌt] a амер. разг.
элементарный; простой; очевидный
open-and-shut case - простое дело, очевидный случай
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
open-and-shut case - простое дело, очевидный случай
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
open-and-shut — ☆ open and shut [ō′pən ən shut′ ] adj. that can clearly and easily be determined or decided; simple or obvious [an open and shut case] … English World dictionary
open-and-shut — A question or issue that is open and shut is easily proved or settled … The small dictionary of idiomes
open-and-shut — ► open and shut admitting no doubt or dispute; straightforward. Main Entry: ↑open … English terms dictionary
open-and-shut — [adj] obvious apparent, cinched, clear, clear as a bell*, conclusive, cut and dried, distinguishable, easy, evident, explicit, glaring, indisputable, ordinary, plain, routine, self evident, self explanatory, simple, straightforward, undeniable,… … New thesaurus
open-and-shut — adjective so obvious as to be easily solved or decided an open and shut case • Similar to: ↑obvious * * * adj straightforward, obvious, simple, clear, easily decided, easily solved * * * |ōp(ə)nən|shət adjective 1. : perfectly simple : obvio … Useful english dictionary
open and shut — if a legal case or problem is open and shut, the facts are very clear and it is easy to make a decision or find a solution. The police think the case is open and shut: five witnesses saw the man stealing the car. It s going to take a lot of work… … New idioms dictionary
open-and-shut — ADJ: usu ADJ n If you describe a dispute or a legal case as open and shut, you mean that is easily decided or solved because the facts are very clear. It s an open and shut case. The hospital is at fault. ...an open and shut murder charge. Syn:… … English dictionary
open-and-shut — /ˈoʊpən ən ʃʌt / (say ohpuhn uhn shut) adjective 1. obvious; easily decided. –phrase 2. open and shut case, a situation in which the decision to be made is clear: *the NSL tribunal on Monday night deliberated on what seemed an open and shut case… …
open-and-shut — o′pen and shut′ adj. immediately obvious upon consideration; easily decided: an open and shut case of larceny[/ex] • Etymology: 1835–45, amer … From formal English to slang
open-and-shut — /oh peuhn euhn shut /, adj. immediately obvious upon consideration; easily decided: an open and shut case of murder. [1835 45, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
open-and-shut — adjective Date: 1841 1. perfectly simple ; obvious 2. easily settled < an open and shut case of grand larceny > … New Collegiate Dictionary