- one-act
- [͵wʌnʹækt] a
one-act play [ballet] - одноактная пьеса [-ый балет]
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
one-act play [ballet] - одноактная пьеса [-ый балет]
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
one-act|er — «WUHN AK tuhr», noun. Informal. a one act play or opera … Useful english dictionary
one-act — adj. One act is used with these nouns: ↑ballet, ↑play … Collocations dictionary
One act plays by Tennessee Williams — is a list of the one act plays written by American playwright Tennessee Williams.1930s one acts Beauty Is the Word Beauty Is the Word is Tennessee Williams first play. The 12 page one act was written in 1930 while Williams was a freshman at… … Wikipedia
One Act Play (band) — One Act Play Background information Origin Dallas, Texas, USA Genres Post rock … Wikipedia
One act play — For the Dallas, TX instrumental post rock band, see One Act Play (band) A one act play, or more commonly in the US one act , or one act , is a play that takes place in one act or scene, as opposed to plays that take place over a number of acts.… … Wikipedia
One-act play — For the instrumental post rock band, see One Act Play (band). A one act play is a play that has only one act, as distinct from plays that occur over several acts. One act plays may consist of one or more scenes. In recent years the 10 minute play … Wikipedia
One-Act Play Festival — The One Act Play Festival is a competitive festival of one act plays. The plays are usually presented over a week, or weekend, and are judged by an independent adjudicator, normally a member of GODA. In the UK there are two main organisations… … Wikipedia
One Act Festival — The One Act Festival is an annual theatre festival that different high schools and districts all across the United States hold. The different districts are each separated into groups and then compete against each other by doing a one act play.… … Wikipedia
one act play — dramatic performance with only has one segment … English contemporary dictionary
one-act — … Useful english dictionary
List of one-act plays by Tennessee Williams — Tennessee Williams One act plays by Tennessee Williams is a list of the one act plays written by American playwright Tennessee Williams. Contents 1 … Wikipedia