- oil-plant
- [ʹɔılplɑ:nt] n с.-х.
масличное растение, масличная культура
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
oil plant — Benne Ben ne, n. [Malay bijen.] (Bot.) The name of two plants ({Sesamum orientale} and {Sesamum indicum}), originally Asiatic; also called {oil plant}. From their seeds an oil is expressed, called {benne oil} or {sesame oil}, used mostly for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
oil-plant — /oyl plant /, n. any of several plants, as the castor oil plant or sesame, the seeds of which yield an oil. [1840 50] * * * … Universalium
oil plant — noun : a plant that yields oil: as a. : sesame b. : castor oil plant … Useful english dictionary
oil-plant — /oyl plant /, n. any of several plants, as the castor oil plant or sesame, the seeds of which yield an oil. [1840 50] … Useful english dictionary
oil plant — ▪ botany any of the numerous plants, either under cultivation or growing wild, used as sources of oil. Oil plants include trees such as palm, herbaceous plants such as flax, and even fungi (Fusarium). Vegetable oils are used… … Universalium
oil-plant — n. Sesame, benne, oily grain (Sesamum) … New dictionary of synonyms
Castor oil plant — Taxobox name = Castor oil plant image width = 240px image caption = Castor bean in disturbed area regnum = Plantae phylum = Magnoliophyta classis = Magnoliopsida ordo = Malpighiales familia = Euphorbiaceae subfamilia = Acalyphoideae tribus =… … Wikipedia
Narva Oil Plant — (Estonian: Narva Õlitehas), a subsidiary of Eesti Energia, is a producer of shale oil from oil shale. It operates a commercial scale shale oil retorting plant, located in Narva, Estonia. Contents 1 History 2 Description … Wikipedia
CASTOR-OIL PLANT — (Heb. קִיקָיוֹן, kikayon), the kikayon in the shade of which the prophet Jonah sat outside Nineveh after his prophecy concerning that city s destruction had not been fulfilled. He was glad of the shade, but God prepared a worm that attacked the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
castor-oil plant — /kas teuhr oyl , kah steuhr / a tall plant, Ricinus communis, of the spurge family, cultivated for its ornamental foliage and having poisonous seeds that are the source of castor oil. Also called castor bean. [1835 45] * * * Large plant (Ricinus… … Universalium
madia oil plant — n. The {Madia sativa}, a South American herb with sticky glandular foliage, the source of madia oil. See {Madia}. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English