- office-block ballot
- [ʹɒfısblɒkʹbælət] амер.
избирательный бюллетень
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
office-block ballot — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun or office group ballot ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ : an Australian ballot on which the names of candidates with or without party labels are grouped under the titles of the offices to be filled compare indiana ballot, massachusetts ballot * … Useful english dictionary
office-block ballot — /aw fis blok , of is / a ballot on which the candidates are listed alphabetically, with or without their party designations, in columns under the office for which they were nominated. Cf. Indiana ballot, Massachusetts ballot. * * * … Universalium
office-block ballot — A form of ballot in which the names of candidates, with or without party designations, are grouped under the offices for which they are contesting; also called Massachusetts ballot … Black's law dictionary
office-group ballot — noun see office block ballot … Useful english dictionary
of|fice-block ballot — «AWF ihs BLOK, OF », U.S. a ballot that lists candidates according to the office they seek … Useful english dictionary
ballot — Derived from ballotta, a round bullet, used for casting a vote. Process or means of voting, usually in secret, by written or printed tickets or slips of paper, or voting machine. Piece of paper or levers on voting machine on which the voter gives … Black's law dictionary
ballot — Derived from ballotta, a round bullet, used for casting a vote. Process or means of voting, usually in secret, by written or printed tickets or slips of paper, or voting machine. Piece of paper or levers on voting machine on which the voter gives … Black's law dictionary
ballot — Synonyms and related words: Australian ballot, Hare system, Indiana ballot, Massachusetts ballot, absentee ballot, aye, blanket ballot, canvass, canvassing, casting vote, counting heads, cumulative voting, deciding vote, division, enfranchisement … Moby Thesaurus
massachusetts ballot — noun Usage: usually capitalized M : an Australian ballot on which the names of candidates with their party affiliations are grouped alphabetically under the title of the office they are seeking compare indiana ballot, office block ballot * * * a… … Useful english dictionary
indiana ballot — noun Usage: usually capitalized I Etymology: so called from its adoption by Indiana in 1889 : an Australian ballot upon which the names of candidates are placed in separate columns according to their party affiliations with the party name and… … Useful english dictionary
australian ballot — noun Usage: usually capitalized A : an official ballot printed at public expense on which the names of all the nominated candidates appear and which is distributed only at the polling place and marked in secret see indiana ballot, massachusetts… … Useful english dictionary