- ocean-floor spreading
- [ʹəʋʃ(ə)nflɔ:ʹspredıŋ] геол.
спрединг океанического дна
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Ocean-Floor-Spreading — [ əʊʃənflɔː spredɪȖ, englisch], Geologie: das Sea Floor Spreading … Universal-Lexikon
Sea-Floor-Spreading — [ siːflɔː spredɪȖ, englisch] das, (s), Ocean Floor Spreading [ əʊʃənflɔː spredɪȖ], Meeresboden|ausbreitung, Meeresbodenspreizung, kontinuierliche Entstehung von Meeresboden durch magmatische Aktivität (Austritt von basaltischem Lava) entlang… … Universal-Lexikon
sea-floor spreading — noun (geology) The process by which new oceanic crust is generated at oceanic ridges by the convective upswelling of magma • • • Main Entry: ↑sea * * * sea floor spreading «SEE FLR, FLOHR», the process by which the sea floor is being continuously … Useful english dictionary
sea-floor spreading — the widening of an ocean basin by the creation of new crust at a divergent margin … Geography glossary
sea floor spreading — noun a geological process affecting mid ocean ridges by which molten lava is extruded and spreads to both sides of the ridge as it solidifies …
floor — 1 noun 1 FLAT SURFACE (C) the flat surface on which you stand indoors: Amos ran inside, spreading mud all over the kitchen floor. see land 1 2 LEVEL IN BUILDING (C) one of the levels in a building: Our office is on the top floor. | a two… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Ocean — For other uses, see Ocean (disambiguation). Maps exhibiting the world s oceanic waters. A continuou … Wikipedia
spreading center — GLOSSARY OF VOLCANIC TERMS or spreading ridge Places on the ocean floor characterized by active volcanism and where separation of lithospheric plates takes place … Glossary of volcanic terms
Arctic Ocean — an ocean N of North America, Asia, and the Arctic Circle. ab. 5,540,000 sq. mi. (14,350,000 sq. km). * * * Arctic Ocean Introduction Arctic Ocean Background: The Arctic Ocean is the smallest of the world s five oceans (after the Pacific Ocean,… … Universalium
Ocean Girl — Series logo … Wikipedia
Ocean Isle Beach house fire — The Ocean Isle Beach house fire occurred on October 28, 2007. Shortly before 7:00 AM, EDT, a four alarm fire severely damaged a three story beach house on a waterfront lot on Scotland Street in Ocean Isle Beach, a town located in Brunswick County … Wikipedia