- obstetric
- [əbʹstetrık,-{əbʹstetrık}(ə)l] a
родовспомогательный, акушерский
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
obstetric — OBSTÉTRIC, Ă, obstetrici, ce, adj., s.f. 1. adj. Care aparţine obstetricii, privitor la obstetrică, de obstetrică; obstetrical. 2. s.f. Ramură a chirurgiei care se ocupă cu fiziologia şi patologia sarcinii şi a naşterii, precum şi cu asistenţa în … Dicționar Român
Obstetric — Ob*stet ric ([o^]b*st[e^]t r[i^]k), Obstetrical Ob*stet ric*al ([o^]b*st[e^]t r[i^]*kal), a. [L. obstetricius, fr. obstetrix, icis, a midwife, fr. obstare to stand before: cf. F. obst[ e]trique. See {Obstacle}.] 1. Of or pertaining to childbirth … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
obstetric — [əb stet′rik, äbste′trik] adj. 〚ModL obstetricus, for L obstetricius, belonging to a midwife < obstetrix, midwife, lit., she who stands before < ob (see OB ) + stare, to STAND〛 of childbirth or obstetrics: also … Universalium
obstetric — (adj.) 1742, from Mod.L. obstetricus pertaining to a midwife, from obstetrix (gen. obstetricis) midwife, lit. one who stands opposite (the woman giving birth), from obstare stand opposite to (see OBSTACLE (Cf. obstacle)). The true adjective would … Etymology dictionary
obstetric — [əb stet′rik, äbste′trik] adj. [ModL obstetricus, for L obstetricius, belonging to a midwife < obstetrix, midwife, lit., she who stands before < ob (see OB ) + stare, to STAND] of childbirth or obstetrics: also obstetrical obstetrically adv … English World dictionary
obstetric — or obstetrical adjective Etymology: modification of Latin obstetricius, from obstetric , obstetrix midwife, from obstare Date: 1742 of, relating to, or associated with childbirth or obstetrics • obstetrically adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
obstetric — adj. Obstetric is used with these nouns: ↑medicine … Collocations dictionary
obstetric — [18] An obstetric nurse is etymologically one who ‘stands before’ a woman giving birth to render assistance. The word is an adaptation of Latin obstetrīcius, a derivative of obstetrīx ‘midwife’. This in turn was formed from obstāre ‘stand in the… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
obstetric — obstetrics ► PLURAL NOUN ▪ the branch of medicine and surgery concerned with childbirth. DERIVATIVES obstetric adjective. ORIGIN from Latin obstetrix midwife , from obstare be present … English terms dictionary
obstetric — [18] An obstetric nurse is etymologically one who ‘stands before’ a woman giving birth to render assistance. The word is an adaptation of Latin obstetrīcius, a derivative of obstetrīx ‘midwife’. This in turn was formed from obstāre ‘stand in the… … Word origins
Obstetric fistula — Classification and external resources ICD 10 N82 ICD 9 619 … Wikipedia