- non-user
- [͵nɒnʹju:zə] n
1. юр. лицо, не использующее своего права2. эвф. не принимающий (наркотиков и т. п.); не алкоголик; не наркоман
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
non-user — Neglect to use. Neglect to use a franchise; neglect to exercise an office. Neglect or omission to use an easement or other right. A right acquired by use may be lost by non user … Black's law dictionary
non-user — Neglect to use. Neglect to use a franchise; neglect to exercise an office. Neglect or omission to use an easement or other right. A right acquired by use may be lost by non user … Black's law dictionary
non-user — n. Law the failure to use a right, by which it may be lost. Etymology: AF nounuser (unrecorded) (as NON , USER) … Useful english dictionary
non-user — I. /nɒn ˈjuzə/ (say non yoohzuh) noun someone who does not use something, especially someone who does not use illegal drugs: *cannabis users have a greater chance of trying and using a wide range of other drugs than non users –frank crowley and… …
non-user — abstention from using a legal right or privilege … English contemporary dictionary
non-user — n. Law, failure to use, or exercise right … Dictionary of difficult words
non — non·bank; non·belligerent; non·book; non·combatant; non·combustible; non·committal; non·conformist; non·de·script; non·effective; non·essential; non·existent; non·immune; non·interventionist; non·ionic; non·ju·rant; non·literate; non·metallic;… … English syllables
non-use — (also non usage) noun the refusal or failure to use something. Derivatives non usage noun non user noun … English new terms dictionary
User Account Control — (UAC) is a technology and security infrastructure introduced with Microsoft s Windows Vista operating system. It aims to improve the security of Microsoft Windows by limiting application software to standard user privileges until an administrator … Wikipedia
non-usage — [ nɔnyzaʒ ] n. m. • 1682; de non et usage ♦ Fait de ne pas ou de ne plus utiliser qqch. Non usage d un mot, d une expression. Non usage d un outil, d une arme. ♢ Dr. Fait de ne pas user d un droit réel. ⊗ CONTR. Usage. ● non usage nom masculin… … Encyclopédie Universelle
User-mode Linux — (UML) allows multiple virtual Linux systems (known as guests) to run as an application within a normal Linux system (known as the host). As each guest is just a normal application running as a process in user space, this approach provides the… … Wikipedia