
1. [͵nɒnʹrezıd(ə)nt] n
1. человек, не проживающий в данной местности; иногородний

bar open to non-residents - бар открыт для публики (не проживающей в данной гостинице)

2. временный житель, приезжий (о туристе и т. п.)
3. священник, не живущий в своём приходе
4. землевладелец, не живущий в своём поместье
5. приходящий ученик; экстерн
6. врач-экстерн (больничный врач, не живущий при больнице)
2. [͵nɒnʹrezıd(ə)nt] a
1. не живущий, не проживающий в данном месте; иногородний

non-resident borrower - иногородний абонент (библиотеки)

non-resident medical officer - врач-экстерн (врач больницы, не живущий при ней)

2. живущий временно, приезжий
3. приходящий, не живущий (о школьниках, прислуге и т. п.)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "non-resident" в других словарях:

  • non-resident — ˌnon ˈresident noun [countable] TAX someone who for tax purposes is not considered as living permanently in a particular country: • real estate bought through offshore companies under a system used by non residents non resident adjective : • They …   Financial and business terms

  • non-résident — non résident, ente [ nɔ̃rezidɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] n. • mil. XXe; de non et résident ♦ Écon. Personne, physique ou morale, qui n est pas considérée comme résident. Adj. Électeur non résident. ● non résident nom masculin Personne française ou étrangère, ayant …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • non-resident — non residents ADJ A non resident person is someone who is visiting a particular place but who does not live or stay there permanently. The paper said that 100,000 non resident workers would have to be sent back to their home villages. ...non… …   English dictionary

  • non-resident — (n.) also nonresident, early 15c., from NON (Cf. non ) + RESIDENT (Cf. resident) …   Etymology dictionary

  • non-resident — n 1.) someone who does not live permanently in a particular country or area ▪ A lot of houses in the area are being bought by non residents. 2.) BrE someone who is not staying in a particular hotel ▪ The hotel restaurant is open to non residents …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Non-Resident — (engl., spr. Nonressident), ein Geistlicher der Englischen Kirche, welcher nicht an dem Orte, von welchem er seine Pfründe bezieht wohnt, sondern mit Erlaubniß des Bischofs entweder für eine bestimmte Zeit od. für immer sich einen Vicar für die… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Non-resident — (engl.), in der englischen Kirche ein Geistlicher, der nicht am Orte, wo er seine Pfründe hat, wohnt, sondern sich zur Verrichtung seines Amtes einen Vikar bestellt …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Non-Resident — Non Resĭdent (engl.), anglikan. Geistlicher, der nicht am Ort seiner Pfründe wohnt …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • non-resident — ► ADJECTIVE 1) not living in a particular country or a place of work. 2) Computing (of software) not kept permanently in memory. ► NOUN ▪ a person not living in a particular place …   English terms dictionary

  • non-resident — I UK / US adjective 1) not based in a particular country The island does not tax non resident companies. 2) not living in a house that you own These houses all belong to non resident owners. 3) not living at the place where you work non resident… …   English dictionary

  • non-resident — One who does not reside within jurisdiction in question; not an inhabitant of the state of the forum. Special rules govern service of process on nonresidents; e.g. Fed.R. Civil P. 4(e). See long arm statutes. For the distinction between residence …   Black's law dictionary

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