non-nuclear — ADJ Non nuclear means not using or involving nuclear weapons or nuclear power. The agreement is the first postwar treaty to reduce non nuclear weapons in Europe. (in AM, also use nonnuclear) … English dictionary
non-nuclear — /ˈnɒn njukliə/ (say non nyoohkleeuh) adjective 1. (of military weapons and equipment) not activated or powered by nuclear fission. 2. not possessing nuclear technology, weapons, or equipment: non nuclear nations …
Non-Nuclear Futures — Author(s) … Wikipedia
non-nuclear — adj. 1 not involving nuclei or nuclear energy. 2 (of a State etc.) not having nuclear weapons … Useful english dictionary
non-nuclear — UK / US adjective not using nuclear energy or weapons … English dictionary
Japan's non-nuclear policy — Japan exhibits a firm non nuclear weapons policy, most popularly articulated as the Three Non Nuclear Principles of nonpossession, nonproduction, and nonintroduction of nuclear weapons.The policy only applies to nuclear weapons, not all nuclear… … Wikipedia
Three Non-Nuclear Principles — Japan s nihongo|Three Non Nuclear Principles|非核三原則|Hikaku San Gensoku are a parliamentary resolution (never adopted into law) that have guided Japanese nuclear policy since their inception in the late 1960s, and reflect general public sentiment… … Wikipedia
List of the largest artificial non-nuclear explosions — There have been a number of extremely large explosions, many accidental, caused by modern high explosives, older explosives such as gunpowder, volatile petroleum based fuels such as gasoline (petrol), and other chemical reactions. This list… … Wikipedia
No Nukes: The Muse Concerts for a Non-Nuclear Future — No Nukes Live album by various artists Released Nov 1979 Recorded September 19 September 23, 1979 … Wikipedia
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty — Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Participation in the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty … Wikipedia
Nuclear sharing — Nuclear Weapon Free Zones Nuclear weapons states … Wikipedia