- non-moral
- [͵nɒnʹmɒrəl] a
1. не относящийся к морали, этике; внеэтический2. аморальный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
non-moral — /nɒn ˈmɒrəl/ (say non moruhl) adjective having no relation to morality; neither moral nor immoral: a completely non moral problem of society …
non-moral — adjective Not moral; unconnected with morals; having no relation to ethics or morals; not involving ethical or moral considerations. Ant: moral See Also: amoral, immoral, unmoral … Wiktionary
non-moral — adjective not holding or manifesting moral principles … English new terms dictionary
non-moral — adj. not concerned with morality. Usage: Neutral in sense: see NON 6, AMORAL, IMMORAL. Derivatives: non morally adv … Useful english dictionary
Moral nihilism — This article is about the meta ethical position. For other uses, see Nihilism (disambiguation). Moral nihilism (also known as ethical nihilism or amoralism) is the meta ethical view that nothing is moral or immoral. For example, a moral nihilist… … Wikipedia
Moral realism — This article is about moral realism in the robust sense. For moral realism in the moderate or minimal sense, see Moral universalism. Moral realism is the meta ethical view which claims that: Ethical sentences express propositions. Some such… … Wikipedia
Moral relativism — For other uses, see Relativism Moral relativism may be any of several descriptive, meta ethical, or normative positions. Each of them is concerned with the differences in moral judgments across different people and cultures: Descriptive… … Wikipedia
moral — 1. adjective /ˈmɒrəl,ˈmɔːrəl/ a) Of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behaviour, especially for teaching right behaviour. moral judgments, a moral poem b) Conforming to a standard of right behaviour; sanctioned by or operative on… … Wiktionary
Moral suasion — (a phrase from the Latin words “moral” and “suasio” which denote respectively “conduct or character that is right and virtuous”[1] and “to present in a pleasing manner”[2] sometimes known as Jawboning[3]), is defined in the economic sphere as… … Wikipedia
Moral Theology — • Limited to those doctrines which discuss the relations of man and his free actions to God and his supernatural end, and propose the means instituted by God for the attainment of that end Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Moral Theology … Catholic encyclopedia
Moral sense theory — (also known as sentimentalism) is a view in meta ethics according to which morality is somehow grounded in moral sentiments or emotions. Some take it to be primarily a view about the nature of moral facts or moral beliefs (a primarily… … Wikipedia