- non-com.
- [͵nɒnʹkɒm] n воен. разг.
сержант; унтер-офицер
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
non-com — 1747, short for non commissioned officer … Etymology dictionary
non|com — «NON KOM», noun, adjective. Informal. –n. a noncommissioned officer: »To all appearances an impeccable soldier, he is a wizard at getting the better of noncoms (Atlantic). –adj. noncommissioned. noncom., noncommissioned officer … Useful english dictionary
non´com|mit´tal|ly — non|com|mit|tal «NON kuh MIHT uhl», adjective. not committing oneself; not saying yes or no: »“I will think it over” is a noncommittal answer. –non´com|mit´tal|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
non|com|mit|tal — «NON kuh MIHT uhl», adjective. not committing oneself; not saying yes or no: »“I will think it over” is a noncommittal answer. –non´com|mit´tal|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
non com|pos men|tis — «NON KOM puhs MEHN tihs», Latin. mentally unable to manage one s affairs; not of sound mind: »My poor sister drank too much…and most of the time she was non compos mentis (New Yorker) … Useful english dictionary
non|com|bat|ant — «NON kuhm BAT uhnt, non KOM buh tuhnt», noun, adjective. –n. 1. a person in the armed forces who takes no part in combat. Surgeons, nurses, and chaplains are noncombatants even though with the army. 2. a person having civilian status in wartime.… … Useful english dictionary
non|com|mis|sioned — «NON kuh MIHSH uhnd», adjective. without a commission; not put in commission: »a noncommissioned ship … Useful english dictionary
non|com|mit|ment — «NON kuh MIHT muhnt», noun. the state of being free of political alliance or other obligations or agreements: »Our politics are debilitated by the virus of cagey noncommitment (Atlantic) … Useful english dictionary
non|com|mit|ted — «NON kuh MIHT ihd», adjective. not pledged to a particular political position; nonaligned … Useful english dictionary
non|com|pli|ance — «NON kuhm PLY uhns», noun, adjective. –n. the fact of not complying; failure to comply: »They could not be punished for noncompliance with a court order (New York Times). –adj. U.S. grown in opposition to government acreage restrictions: »The… … Useful english dictionary
non|com|pli|ant — «NON kuhm PLY uhnt», noun. a person who fails or refuses to comply … Useful english dictionary