
[͵nəʋʹnɒns(ə)ns] a
серьёзный, деловой

no-nonsense manner of a prosecuting attorney - строгая прокурорская манера

no-nonsense attitude - строгое /требовательное/ отношение; нетерпимость к причудам /расхлябанности/

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "no-nonsense" в других словарях:

  • Nonsense verse — is a form of light, often rhythmical verse, usually for children, depicting peculiar characters in amusing and fantastical situations. It is whimsical and humorous in tone and tends to employ fanciful phrases and meaningless made up words.[1]… …   Wikipedia

  • NONSENSE — « A piece of nonsense », c’est en anglais courant une bêtise, une absurdité: un «non sens» bien sûr; et pourtant, le terme anglais a une richesse spécifique. Anglais d’abord parce que la langue anglaise en est le lieu sonore d’élection; ainsi les …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Nonsense — es una figura literaria que puede ser en verso o en prosa, que busca generar, juegos de palabras que trasgreden las formas comunes de la sintaxis y la semántica, juegos que resultan extraños, comúnmente humorísticos y absurdos. Literalmente… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Nonsense-mediated decay — (NMD) is a cellular mechanism of mRNA surveillance that functions to detect nonsense mutations and prevent the expression of truncated or erroneous proteins. Following transcription, precursor mRNA undergoes an assemblage of ribonucleoprotein… …   Wikipedia

  • Nonsense in the Dark — Studio album by Filthy Dukes Released March 24, 2009 …   Wikipedia

  • Nonsense (disambiguation) — Nonsense is an utterance or written text that does not in fact carry any identifiable meaning. Nonsense may also mean: Abstract nonsense, a term used by mathematicians to describe certain kinds of arguments and concepts in category theory In… …   Wikipedia

  • nonsense — nonsense, twaddle, drivel, bunk, balderdash, poppycock, gobbledygook, trash, rot, bull are comparable when they mean something said or proposed which is senseless or absurd. Nonsense is the most general of these terms; it may be referred to… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Nonsense mediated decay — (NMD) is a cellular mechanism of mRNA surveillance to detect nonsense mutations and prevent the expression of truncated or erroneous proteins. In mammals, NMD is triggered by exon junction complexes (EJC), which are initially deposited during pre …   Wikipedia

  • Nonsense Revolution — Directed by Ann Verrall Written by Ann Verrall Starring Robert Clark Alex House Anastasia Phillips Deborah Allen Heather Rankin …   Wikipedia

  • Nonsense mediated decay — Le Nonsense mediated decay ou NMD ou Dégradation des ARNm non sens est un mécanisme de contrôle qualité des ARN messagers cellulaires chez les eucaryotes[1]. Il vise a éliminer les ARNm qui comportent un codon stop prématuré, résultant soit d une …   Wikipédia en Français

  • nonsense — Uses of nonsense as a countable noun (i.e. preceded by a or in the plural) have become common in current use, especially in BrE: • I knew you d make a nonsense of it so I told Wallis to be ready to take over L. Cooper, 1960 • I could only pray… …   Modern English usage

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