- no-glare
- [͵nəʋʹgleə] a авт.
неослепляющий (о свете фар)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
GLARE (material) — GLARE is a GLAss REinforced Fibre Metal Laminate (FML), composed of several very thin layers of metal (usually aluminium) interspersed with layers of glass fibre pre preg , bonded together with a matrix such as epoxy. The uni directional pre preg … Wikipedia
Glare (vision) — Glare is difficulty seeing in the presence of bright light such as direct or reflected sunlight or artificial light such as car headlamps at night. Because of this, some cars include mirrors with automatic anti glare functions.Glare can reduce… … Wikipedia
Glare — Glare, n. 1. A bright, dazzling light; splendor that dazzles the eyes; a confusing and bewildering light. [1913 Webster] The frame of burnished steel that cast a glare. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. A fierce, piercing look or stare. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Glare — may refer to any of the following: *Glare (vision) is difficulty seeing in the presence of very bright light * by extension, any sort of bright light capable of causing glare *A form of light pollution or over illumination *A facial expression of … Wikipedia
Glare — Glare, a. [See {Glary}, and {Glare}, n.] Smooth and bright or translucent; used almost exclusively of ice; as, skating on glare ice. [U. S.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Glare — Le GLARE (GLAss REinforced ) est un nouveau matériau composite (fibres de verre et d aluminium) de haute technologie. Il est composé de fines couches d aluminium (0,3 à 0,5 mm) et de nappes unidirectionnelles de fibres de verres imprégnées de… … Wikipédia en Français
glare — [n1] very bright light, shine blaze, blinding light, brilliance, dazzle, flame, flare, glow; concept 628 Ant. dullness glare [n2] dirty look angry stare, bad eye*, black look*, evil eye*, frown, glower, lower, scowl; concepts 623,716 Ant. grin,… … New thesaurus
glare — glare; glare·less; an·ti·glare; … English syllables
glare — glare1 [gler] vi. glared, glaring [ME glaren < or akin to MDu, to gleam, glare & OE glær, amber: for IE base see GLASS] 1. to shine with a strong, steady, dazzling light 2. to be too bright or showy 3. to stare fiercely or angrily vt. to send… … English World dictionary
Glare — (gl[^a]r), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Glared}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Glaring}.] [OE. glaren, gloren; cf. AS. gl[ae]r amber, LG. glaren to glow or burn like coals, D. gloren to glimmer; prob. akin to E. glass.] [1913 Webster] 1. To shine with a bright,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Glare — Glare, v. t. To shoot out, or emit, as a dazzling light. [1913 Webster] Every eye Glared lightning, and shot forth pernicious fire. Milton. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English