no sooner ... but

no sooner ... but
[͵nəʋʹsu:nə...bət] corr cj
как только ... (так)

no sooner conceived but done - задумано - сделано

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "no sooner ... but" в других словарях:

  • but — but1 W1S1 [bət strong bʌt] conj [: Old English; Origin: butan outside, without, except ] 1.) used to connect two statements or phrases when the second one adds something different or seems surprising after the first one ▪ It s an old car, but it… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • sooner or later — {adv. phr.} At some unknown time in the future; sometime. * /John will come back sooner or later./ * /Grandpa is very slow about fixing things around the house, but he always does it sooner or later./ Compare: OR OTHER …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • sooner or later — {adv. phr.} At some unknown time in the future; sometime. * /John will come back sooner or later./ * /Grandpa is very slow about fixing things around the house, but he always does it sooner or later./ Compare: OR OTHER …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Sooner Schooner — The Sooner Schooner is the official mascot of the sports teams of the University of Oklahoma Sooners. Pulled by two white ponies named Boomer and Sooner, it is a scaled down replica of the Conestoga wagon used by settlers of the Oklahoma… …   Wikipedia

  • Sooner or Later (Madonna song) — Song infobox Name = Sooner or Later Artist = Madonna Album = I m Breathless Released = May 21 1990 track no = 2 Recorded = 1990 Genre = Pop/Jazz Length = 3:20 Writer = Stephen Sondheim Label = Sire, Warner Bros. Producer = Madonna, Bill Bottrell… …   Wikipedia

  • sooner\ or\ later — adv. phr. At some unknown time in the future; sometime. John will come back sooner or later. Grandpa is very slow about fixing things around the house, but he always does it sooner or later. Compare: or other …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Sooner State — noun Nickname of the U.S. state of Oklahoma. Oklahoma has almost, but never quite elected a Republican Governor. But in national politics the Sooner State has twice strayed from the Democratic reservation (Harding and Hoover) …   Wiktionary

  • but — but1 /but/; unstressed /beuht/, conj. 1. on the contrary; yet: My brother went, but I did not. 2. except; save: She was so overcome with grief she could do nothing but weep. 3. unless; if not; except that (fol. by a clause, often with that… …   Universalium

  • but — [[t]bʌt[/t]] unstressed [[t]bət[/t]] conj. 1) fun on the contrary: My brother went, but I did not[/ex] 2) and yet; nevertheless: strange but true[/ex] 3) fun except; save: did nothing but complain[/ex] 4) fun without the circumstance that: It… …   From formal English to slang

  • but — I. conjunction Etymology: Middle English, from Old English būtan, preposition & conjunction, outside, without, except, except that; akin to Old High German būzan without, except; akin to Old English be by, ūt out more at by, out Date: before 12th …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later) — Single by Bob Dylan from the album Blonde on Blonde …   Wikipedia

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