
[ʹnıp͵fɑ:ðıŋ] n разг.

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "nip-farthing" в других словарях:

  • snap — Synonyms and related words: Photostat, Telephoto, Wirephoto, X ray, Xerox, a continental, a curse, a damn, a darn, a hoot, abrupt, ad lib, adaptability, aerial photograph, aggressiveness, alertness, animation, articulate, attack, automatic,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • bob — Synonyms and related words: Carling float, T square, abbreviate, abridge, abscind, abstract, accost, address, amputate, angle, annihilate, bait the hook, balsa, balsa raft, ban, bar, barber, bawbee, bend, bend the knee, bend the neck, bending the …   Moby Thesaurus

  • dram — Synonyms and related words: ace, atom, beverage, bit, bumper, carat, centigram, crumb, dab, dash, decagram, decigram, dole, dollop, dose, dot, draft, dram avoirdupois, drench, dribble, driblet, drink, drop, dwarf, dyne, farthing, finger, fleck,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • pinch — Synonyms and related words: abstract, ace, acute pain, afflict, agonize, ail, alternate, alternative, and, annex, apprehend, apprehension, approach, appropriate, arrest, arrestation, arrestment, atom, backup, bag, bare cupboard, bare subsistence …   Moby Thesaurus

  • quid — Synonyms and related words: axiom, bawbee, bite, bolus, cavendish, center, champ, chaw, chew, chewing tobacco, chomp, core, crown, cud, cut plug, dollar, eating tobacco, elixir, essence, essential, farthing, fid, fiver, florin, flower, focus,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • spot — Synonyms and related words: CRT spot, DM display, Doppler signal, IF signal, IM display, RF echoes, abode, ace, acne, aimless, allocate, appointment, arc, arc light, area, ascertain, aspersion, assign, atom, attaint, badge of infamy, band, bar,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • taper — Synonyms and related words: abate, aculeate, acuminate, approach, barb, bate, bayberry candle, bougie, brand, butane lighter, candle, candlewick, center, centralize, cigarette lighter, close, close in, close up, close with, coarctation, come down …   Moby Thesaurus

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