- New Siberian Islands
- [ʹnju:saıʹbı(ə)rıənʹaıləndz] геогр.
Новосибирские острова
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
New Siberian Islands — group of islands of Russia, in the Arctic Ocean, between the Laptev & East Siberian seas: c. 11,000 sq mi (28,490 sq km) … English World dictionary
New Siberian Islands — The New Siberian Islands. Location of the New Siberian Isla … Wikipedia
New Siberian Islands — a group of islands in the Arctic Ocean, N of the Russian Federation in Asia: part of the Yakut Autonomous Republic. 14,826 sq. mi. (38,400 sq. km). * * * Island group, Arctic Ocean, northeastern Russia, north of eastern Siberia. The islands… … Universalium
New Siberian Islands — New′ Sibe′rian Is′lands n. pl. geg a group of islands in the Arctic Ocean, N of the Russian Federation in Asia: part of the Yakut Autonomous Republic. 14,826 sq. mi. (38,400 sq. km) … From formal English to slang
New Siberian Islands — geographical name islands NE Russia in Asia in Arctic Ocean between Laptev & East Siberian seas area 11,000 square miles (28,600 square kilometers) … New Collegiate Dictionary
New Siberian Islands — noun a group of islands in the Arctic Ocean to the north of Siberia and to the east of the Laptev Sea • Instance Hypernyms: ↑island • Part Holonyms: ↑Arctic Ocean * * * a group of islands in the Arctic Ocean, N of the Russian Federation in Asia:… … Useful english dictionary
New Siberian Islands — noun An archipelago in the Arctic Ocean in the north of Russia, in the East Siberian Sea … Wiktionary
New Siberian Islands — /saɪˈbɪəriən/ (say suy bearreeuhn) plural noun a group of islands in the Arctic Ocean, north of Russia in Asia; part of the federal republic of Yakutia. Russian, Novosibirskije Ostrova …
New Siberia — Native name: Новая Сибирь Location of New Siberia in the Anzhu subgroup … Wikipedia
Siberian Shelf — The Siberian Shelf, one of the Arctic shelves, is the largest continental shelf of the Earth, a part of the continental shelf of Russia. It extends from the continent of Eurasia in the general area of North Siberia (hence the name) into the… … Wikipedia
Siberian — See Siberia1. * * * (as used in expressions) New Siberian Islands Paleo Siberian languages Siberian husky Siberian peoples Trans Siberian Railroad * * * … Universalium