- nem. con.
- [͵nemʹkɒn] (сокр. от лат. nemine contradicente) = nem. diss.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
nem. con. — nem. con. nem. con. [L nemine contradicente] abbrev. (with) no one contradicting; unanimously … English World dictionary
nem. con. — nem. con. abbreviation of Latin phrase nemine contradicente no one dissenting, hence, without opposition … Etymology dictionary
nem. Con. — nem. Con. short for Latin nemine contradicente, means ‘with no one dissenting’ (from a vote or decision). It does not mean the same as unanimously since it can also include abstentions, which unanimously does not … Modern English usage
nem. con. — nem. con. ► ADVERB ▪ with no one dissenting; unanimously. ORIGIN abbreviation of Latin nemine contradicente … English terms dictionary
nem con — adverb of one mind; without dissent the Senate unanimously approved the bill we voted unanimously • Syn: ↑unanimously, ↑nemine contradicente • Derived from adjective: ↑unanimous (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
nem con — UK [ˌnem ˈkɒn] / US [nem ˈkɑn] adverb very formal passed/carried nem con without anyone in a group disagreeing His proposal was passed nem con … English dictionary
nem. con. — adverb Abbreviated form of nemine contradicente. He hoped that such a system would be framed as might render this recourse unnecessary, and moved that the clause be postponed. This motion was agreed to nem. con … Wiktionary
nem con — adverb Abbreviated form of nemine contradicente. So I then moved that we supported the TUC call for a general strike and this was also carried nem con … Wiktionary
nem con — adverb Latin law without any opposition: The motion was passed nem con … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
nem. con. — /nɛm ˈkɒn/ (say nem kon) adverb no one contradicting; unanimously. {Latin nēmine contrādīcente} …
nem con — abbreviation Etymology: New Latin nemine contradicente no one contradicting … New Collegiate Dictionary