Смотреть что такое "near-money" в других словарях:
Near money — (synonym: quasi money) is a term used in economics to describe highly liquid assets that can easily be converted into cash. Various sources provide the following examples of near money: Savings account Money funds Bank time deposits (Certificates … Wikipedia
Near Money — [ nɪə mʌnɪ, englisch], die Geldsubstitute … Universal-Lexikon
Near Money — An economics term describing non cash assets that are highly liquid, such as bank deposits, certificates of deposit (CDs) and Treasury Bills. Central banks, economists and statisticians may utilize near money when determining the current money… … Investment dictionary
near money — assets that are easily convertible into cash, such as money market accounts and bank deposits. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * near money near money ➔ money * * * Assets, such as money market fund shares, bank time deposits and government … Financial and business terms
near money — quasi money An asset that is immediately transferable and may be used to settle some but not all debts, although it is not as liquid as banknotes and coins. bills of exchange are examples of near money. Near money is not included in the money… … Accounting dictionary
near money — quasi money An asset that is immediately transferable and may be used to settle some but not all debts, although it is not as liquid as banknotes and coins. Bills of exchange are examples of near money. Near money is not included in the money… … Big dictionary of business and management
near money — Liquid assets which are readily convertible into money … Black's law dictionary
near money — Liquid assets which are readily convertible into money … Black's law dictionary
near money — noun Date: 1942 assets (as savings accounts or government bonds) quickly and easily converted to cash … New Collegiate Dictionary
near money — any asset easily made liquid, as government bonds or savings deposits. [1940 45] * * * … Universalium
near money — noun Finance assets which can readily be converted into cash, such as bills of exchange … English new terms dictionary