- muster-out
- [͵mʌstə(r)ʹaʋt] n воен.
увольнение (из армии)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
muster-out — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷ noun (plural musters out) Etymology: muster out : an act or process of mustering out : discharge the first great commands to complete their musters out Dixon Wecter ordered the muster out of all troops not needed for occupation… … Useful english dictionary
muster out — verb release from military service • Syn: ↑discharge • Ant: ↑enlist (for: ↑discharge) • Derivationally related forms: ↑discharge (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
muster out — (Roget s Thesaurus II) I verb To release from military duty: demobilize, discharge, separate. See FREE, KEEP. II verb See muster … English dictionary for students
muster out — transitive verb Date: 1834 to discharge from service … New Collegiate Dictionary
muster out — Synonyms and related words: break up, deactivate, debrief, demob, demobilize, detach, disband, discharge, disintegrate, dismiss, disorganize, disperse, dissolve, go separate ways, let go, part, part company, release, scatter, separate, split up … Moby Thesaurus
muster — [mus′tər] vt. [ME mousteren < OFr moustrer, to exhibit, show < ML mustrare < L monstrare, to show < monstrum: see MONSTER] 1. to assemble or summon (troops, etc.), as for inspection, roll call, or service 2. to put through a roll call … English World dictionary
muster — I n. to pass muster II v. 1) (d; tr.) to muster into (to muster smb. into the army) 2) (d; tr.) to muster out of ( to discharge from ) (to be mustered out of the army) * * * [ mʌstə] to pass muster (d; tr.) to muster out of (to be mustered out of … Combinatory dictionary
muster — /mus teuhr/, v.t. 1. to assemble (troops, a ship s crew, etc.), as for battle, display, inspection, orders, or discharge. 2. to gather, summon, rouse (often fol. by up): He mustered all his courage. v.i. 3. to assemble for inspection, service,… … Universalium
muster — /ˈmʌstə / (say mustuh) verb (t) 1. to assemble (troops, a ship s crew, etc.), as for battle, display, inspection, orders, discharge, etc. 2. to round up (livestock) for shearing, branding, etc. 3. Nautical to call the roll of. 4. to assemble… …
muster — v. & n. v. 1 tr. collect (orig. soldiers) for inspection, to check numbers, etc. 2 tr. & intr. collect, gather together. 3 tr. Austral. round up (livestock). n. 1 the assembly of persons for inspection. 2 an assembly, a collection. 3 Austral. a… … Useful english dictionary
muster — {{11}}muster (n.) late 14c., action of showing, manifestation, from O.Fr. mostre illustration, proof; examination, inspection (13c., Mod.Fr. montre), lit. that which is shown, from mostrer (see MUSTER (Cf. muster) (v.)). Meaning act of gathering… … Etymology dictionary