- Muskogee
- [mʌsʹkəʋgı] n геогр.
г. Маскоги
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Muskogee — oder Muscogee bezeichnet: Muskogee (Volk), eine indianische Ethnie, nach dieser benannt sind: Muskogee Sprachen, eine indianische Sprachgruppe Muskogee (Oklahoma), eine Stadt im US Bundesstaat Oklahoma Muskogee County, ein County im US… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Muskogee — or Muscogee can refer to: The Muscogee (Creek) tribe, an American Indian people originally from Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama, many of whom later relocated to Oklahoma Muscogee (Creek) Nation, a federally recognized Muscogee tribe in Oklahoma… … Wikipedia
Muskogee — Muskogee, OK U.S. city in Oklahoma Population (2000): 38310 Housing Units (2000): 17517 Land area (2000): 37.338116 sq. miles (96.705272 sq. km) Water area (2000): 1.426447 sq. miles (3.694481 sq. km) Total area (2000): 38.764563 sq. miles… … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places
Muskogee, OK — U.S. city in Oklahoma Population (2000): 38310 Housing Units (2000): 17517 Land area (2000): 37.338116 sq. miles (96.705272 sq. km) Water area (2000): 1.426447 sq. miles (3.694481 sq. km) Total area (2000): 38.764563 sq. miles (100.399753 sq. km) … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places
Muskogee — Muskogee1 [mus kō′gē] n. pl. Muskōgees or Muskōgee [Creek maaskóoki] CREEK (sense 2) Muskogee2 [mus kō′gē] [< MUSKOGEE1] city in E Okla.: pop. 38,000 … English World dictionary
Muskogee — Muskogee, Indianerstamm, s. Muscogee … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Muskogee — [mʌs kəʊgɪ], Maskoki, Muskogean [mʌs kəʊgɪən], indianische Sprachfamilie im Südosten der USA, zu der die meisten Stämme dieses Gebiets zählen (Choctaw, Creek, Natchez, Seminolen u. a.). … Universal-Lexikon
Muskogee — Creek Pour les articles homonymes, voir Creek (homonymie). Creek Muskogee … Wikipédia en Français
Muskogee — /mus koh gee/, n., pl. Muskogees, (esp. collectively) Muskogee for 2. 1. a city in E Oklahoma. 40,011. 2. a member of an American Indian people formerly constituting part of the Creek Confederacy in Georgia and Alabama and now living in Oklahoma … Universalium
Muskogee — Muskogees Mus*ko gees, n. pl.; sing. {Muskogee}. (Ethnol.) A powerful tribe of North American Indians that formerly occupied the region of Georgia, Florida, and Alabama. They constituted a large part of the Creek confederacy. [Written also… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Muskogee — I. noun (plural Muskogee or Muskogees) Etymology: Creek ma•skó•ki, maskó•ki, a self designation Date: 1775 1. a member of an American Indian people of Georgia and eastern Alabama constituting the nucleus of the Creek confederacy 2. the language… … New Collegiate Dictionary