
1. [ʹbraıdl] n
1. 1) узда, уздечка

to give a horse the bridle - а) отпустить /ослабить/ поводья; б) предоставить /дать/ полную свободу действий

2) сдерживающее начало, узда, препятствие

to put a bridle on smb. - сдерживать /обуздывать/ кого-л.

she must put a bridle on her tongue - ей надо попридержать язычок

2. = branks
3. анат. уздечка (языка)
4. 1) тех. рессорный хомут, затяжка
2) эл. короткий отрезок провода
5. мор. бридель
6. уздечка (аэростата)

to turn bridle - повернуть назад, отправиться восвояси

2. [ʹbraıdl] v
1. взнуздывать
2. обуздывать, сдерживать

to bridle one's temper - обуздать нрав

to bridle one's ambitions [passions] - сдержать желания [страсти]

3. (обыкн. bridle up)
1) задирать нос, важничать
2) возмущаться, выражать негодование

to bridle with anger - взорваться от возмущения

to bridle at smb.'s remarks - взвиться от чьих-л. замечаний

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "bridle" в других словарях:

  • Bridle — Bri dle, n. [OE. bridel, AS. bridel; akin to OHG. britil, brittil, D. breidel, and possibly to E. braid. Cf. {Bridoon}.] 1. The head gear with which a horse is governed and restrained, consisting of a headstall, a bit, and reins, with other… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bridle — Bri dle, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Bridled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Bridling}.] 1. To put a bridle upon; to equip with a bridle; as, to bridle a horse. [1913 Webster] He bridled her mouth with a silkweed twist. Drake. [1913 Webster] 2. To restrain, guide,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bridle — [brīd′ l] n. [ME & OE bridel < bregdan, move quickly: see BRAID] 1. a head harness for guiding a horse: it consists of headstall, bit, and reins 2. anything resembling a horse s bridle 3. anything that controls or restrains 4. FRENUM 5 …   English World dictionary

  • bridle — [n] restraining device check, control, curb, deterrent, hackamore, halter, headstall, leash, rein, restraint, trammels; concept 497 bridle [v] check, hold back constrain, control, curb, govern, inhibit, keep in check, master, moderate, repress,… …   New thesaurus

  • bridle — ► NOUN ▪ the headgear used to control a horse, consisting of buckled straps to which a bit and reins are attached. ► VERB 1) put a bridle on. 2) bring under control. 3) show resentment or anger. ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

  • Bridle — Bri dle, v. i. To hold up the head, and draw in the chin, as an expression of pride, scorn, or resentment; to assume a lofty manner; usually with up. His bridling neck. Wordsworth. [1913 Webster] By her bridling up I perceived she expected to be… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bridle — index bar (hinder), block, clog, constrain (imprison), constrain (restrain), contain ( …   Law dictionary

  • bridle — vb 1 check, curb, *restrain, inhibit Analogous words: repress, *suppress: *govern, rule: control, direct, manage (see CONDUCT) Antonyms: vent Contrasted words: *express …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Bridle — A bridle is a piece of equipment used to control a horse. The bridle fits over a horse s head, and has the purpose of controlling the horse. It holds a bit in the horse s mouth. As defined in the Oxford English Dictionary, a bridle includes a… …   Wikipedia

  • bridle — {{11}}bridle (n.) O.E. bridel bridle, rein, curb, restraint, related to bregdan move quickly, from P.Gmc. *bregdilaz (see BRAID (Cf. braid) (v.)). {{12}}bridle (v.) to control, dominate, c.1200, from O.E. bridlian to fit with a bridle, from… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Bridle —    Three Hebrew words are thus rendered in the Authorized Version.    1) Heb. mahsom signifies a muzzle or halter or bridle, by which the rider governs his horse (Ps. 39:1).    2) Me theg, rendered also bit in Ps. 32:9, which is its proper… …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

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