mortarboard cap

mortarboard cap
[ʹmɔ:təbɔ:d͵kæp] воен. жарг.
фуражка с тульёй большого диаметра

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "mortarboard cap" в других словарях:

  • mortarboard — mortarboard, mortar board mortar board . 1. A small square board with a handle beneath, for holding mortar; a hawk; used by masons to hold or carry mortar. [1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5] 2. An academic cap topped by broad, projecting, stiff and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mortarboard — (n.) also mortar board, academic cap, 1854, probably from MORTAR (Cf. mortar) (1) + BOARD (Cf. board) (n.1); so called because it resembles a mason s square board for carrying mortar. Earlier it was called a mortar cap (1680s) or simply morter (c …   Etymology dictionary

  • cap — cap1 [kap] n. [ME cappe < OE cæppe & ML cappa < LL cappa, a cape, hooded cloak] 1. any closefitting head covering, brimless or with only a front visor, and made of wool, cotton, etc., as a baseball cap or overseas cap, or of muslin or lace …   English World dictionary

  • mortarboard — [môrt′ərbôrd΄] n. 1. a square board with a handle beneath or with legs, used for holding mortar 2. an academic cap with a square, flat, horizontal top, worn at commencements, etc. in schools and colleges …   English World dictionary

  • cap and gown — n. a cap with a flat top (MORTARBOARD) and a long robe, worn at some academic ceremonies, as commencement, and often used to symbolize the academic life …   English World dictionary

  • cap and gown — noun (plural caps and gowns) : the cap and gown that together constitute academic costume * * * a ceremonial mortarboard and gown worn by faculty, students, etc., as at commencement. Cf. academic costume. [1855 60] * * * cap and gown, a flat cap… …   Useful english dictionary

  • cap — I. /kæp / (say kap) noun 1. a covering for the head, especially one fitting closely and made of softer material than a hat, and having little or no brim, but often having a peak. 2. the flat, peaked headdress worn by soldiers and others. 3. a… …  

  • cap — cap1 capless, adj. /kap/, n., v., capped, capping. n. 1. a close fitting covering for the head, usually of soft supple material and having no visor or brim. 2. a brimless head covering with a visor, as a baseball cap. 3. mobcap. 4. a headdress… …   Universalium

  • cap — I [[t]kæp[/t]] n. v. capped, cap•ping 1) clo a close fitting covering for the head, usu. of soft, supple material and having no brim but sometimes having a visor 2) a headdress denoting rank, occupation, religious order, or the like: a nurse s… …   From formal English to slang

  • cap — I. noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English cappe, from Old English cæppe, from Late Latin cappa head covering, cloak Date: before 12th century 1. a. a head covering especially with a visor and no brim b. a distinctive head… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cap — Synonyms and related words: Balmoral, Dutch cap, Panama, Panama hat, Salvation Army bonnet, Stetson, acme, apex, apogee, ascender, astrakhan, back, balaclava helmet, baseball cap, bastard type, beany, beard, bearskin, beaver, befog, belly, beret …   Moby Thesaurus

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