- meat-axe
- [ʹmi:t͵æks] n
1. топор для рубки мяса; секач2. грубое орудие
to edit an article with a meat-axe - безжалостно кромсать статью
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to edit an article with a meat-axe - безжалостно кромсать статью
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
meat axe — meat ax or meat axe, 1. a butcher s cleaver used to chop roughly through meat and bone. 2. Figurative. a ruthless and sometimes indiscriminate hacking away: »The House assaulted the Administration s defense request with meat axes, lopped off some … Useful english dictionary
meat-axe — meatˈ axe or (N American) meatˈ ax noun A cleaver • • • Main Entry: ↑meat … Useful english dictionary
meat axe — /ˈmit æks/ (say meet aks) noun 1. → cleaver (def. 2). –phrase 2. mad as a meat axe, Colloquial a. very angry. b. insane; eccentric. Also, meataxe. {US English (1830s); phrase modelled on US slang as wicked or vicious as a meat axe} …
Meat Axe — F/A/V An grip arm like accessory which is designed to clamp onto the hand rail of a studio overhead catwalk, or other suitable surface, and has a gobo head at the end of the arm. (Grip) … Audio and video glossary
meat — n. 1 the flesh of animals (esp. mammals) as food. 2 (foll. by of) the essence or chief part of. 3 US the edible part of fruits, nuts, eggs, shellfish, etc. 4 archaic a food of any kind. b a meal. Phrases and idioms: meat and drink a source of… … Useful english dictionary
meat-ax — I. ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun 1. : cleaver 1a 2. : a harsh or violent attack on a problem; especially : a rough slashing reduction of an appropriation or budget your advertising policy and budget get the meat ax Derek Brooks II … Useful english dictionary
meat ax — 1. cleaver (def. 2). 2. Informal. a drastic or ruthless procedure or approach, esp. for reducing or trimming something, as expenditures: The committee used a meat ax on the recreation budget. [1825 35] * * * meat ax or meat axe, 1. a butcher s… … Useful english dictionary
As quick as a meat axe — very quick … Dictionary of Australian slang
Mad as a meat axe — extremely angry … Dictionary of Australian slang
as quick as a meat axe — Australian Slang very quick … English dialects glossary
mad as a meat axe — Australian Slang extremely angry … English dialects glossary