- mat-grass
- [ʹmætgrɑ:s] n бот.
ковыль (Stipa)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Mat grass — Mat Mat, n. [AS. matt, meatt, fr. L. matta a mat made of rushes.] 1. A thick flat fabric of sedge, rushes, flags, husks, straw, hemp, or similar material, placed on the floor and used for wiping and cleaning shoes at the door, for covering the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mat-grass — /ˈmæt gras/ (say mat grahs) noun 1. a grass, Hemarthria uncinata, of dense prostrate growth. 2. any other mat forming grass as Axonopus affinis and Nardus stricta …
sea mat-grass — smiltyninė smiltlendrė statusas T sritis vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Ammophila arenaria angl. common marram grass; European beach grass; sea mat grass vok. gemeiner Strandhafer rus. песколюбка песчанная lenk. piaskownica zwyczajna … Dekoratyvinių augalų vardynas
Mat — Mat, n. [AS. matt, meatt, fr. L. matta a mat made of rushes.] 1. A thick flat fabric of sedge, rushes, flags, husks, straw, hemp, or similar material, placed on the floor and used for wiping and cleaning shoes at the door, for covering the floor… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mat rush — Mat Mat, n. [AS. matt, meatt, fr. L. matta a mat made of rushes.] 1. A thick flat fabric of sedge, rushes, flags, husks, straw, hemp, or similar material, placed on the floor and used for wiping and cleaning shoes at the door, for covering the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mat|ting — mat|ting1 «MAT ihng», noun. 1. a fabric of grass, straw, hemp, or other fiber, for covering floors, for mats, or for wrapping material. 2. mats. 3. the making of mats. mat|ting2 «MAT ihng», noun. the process of producing a mat surface, or such a… … Useful english dictionary
Mat Callahan — (born Mathew Kerner, July 14, 1951, San Francisco, California) is an American musician, author, songwriter, activist, music producer and engineer. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Early life 1.2 The Looters … Wikipedia
Mat — This article is about a piece of fabric. For other uses, see Mat (disambiguation). A welcome mat from Lexington, Massachusetts. A mat is a generic term for a piece of fabric or flat material, generally placed on a floor or other flat surface, and … Wikipedia
mat — [[t]mæ̱t[/t]] mats 1) N COUNT A mat is a small piece of something such as cloth, card, or plastic which you put on a table to protect it from plates or cups. The food is served on polished tables with mats. 2) N COUNT A mat is a small piece of… … English dictionary
grass mat — noun : a woven mat simulating trimmed grass and used especially to form backgrounds for displays or theatrical scenery … Useful english dictionary
mat — 1 noun (C) 1 a small piece of thick rough material which covers part of a floor: Wipe your feet on the mat. 2 a small flat piece of wood, cloth etc which protects a surface, especially on a table 3 a piece of thick soft material used in some… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English