- man-portable
- [ʹmæn͵pɔ:təb(ə)l] a
портативный, переносной
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
man portable — nešiojamasis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Kurį gali panešti vienas žmogus. Šis terminas vartojamas apibūdinti: 1. daiktams, skirtiems nešti kaip sudedamąją pėsčių karių, pabūklo įgulos ar grupės ekipuotės, susijusios su jiems skirtų… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Man portable radar — is a lightweight surveillance radar system that it does not require vehicle support to transport or operate. Man Portable radar was developed to introduce radar to remote areas where vehicle support is not feasible. Contents 1 Examples 1.1… … Wikipedia
Man-portable air-defense systems — An SA 7 in use Man portable air defense systems (MANPADS or MPADS) are shoulder launched surface to air missiles (SAMs). They are typically guided weapons and are a threat to low flying aircraft, especially helicopters. Contents … Wikipedia
Man Portable Air Defense System — Dänischer Soldat mit einem Stinger Flugabwehrsystem Simulator auf seiner Schulter Bei einem Man Portable Air Defense System (kurz MANPADS; auf Deutsch auch: Einmann Flugabwehr Lenkwaffe[1] oder Ein Mann Boden Luft Rakete … Deutsch Wikipedia
man-portable — adjective portable by one man • Similar to: ↑portable … Useful english dictionary
man-portable — adjective That can be transported on a person. Often used about military weapons systems; e.g. missiles. See Also: portable, hand portable … Wiktionary
man portable — Capable of being carried by one man. Specifically, the term may be used to qualify: 1. Items designed to be carried as an integral part of individual, crew served, or team equipment of the dismounted soldier in conjunction with assigned duties.… … Military dictionary
Portable Surgical Hospital — Portable Surgical Hospitals (PSH) were a type of field hospital. The PSH were units of the United States Army Medical Corps designed to be man portable by the team manning the hospital. They were eventually replaced by MASH units.History of the… … Wikipedia
portable — nešiojamasis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Kurį gali panešti vienas žmogus. Šis terminas vartojamas apibūdinti: 1. daiktams, skirtiems nešti kaip sudedamąją pėsčių karių, pabūklo įgulos ar grupės ekipuotės, susijusios su jiems skirtų… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Portable art — (sometimes called mobiliary art) refers to the small examples of Prehistoric art that could be carried from place to place, typically made during the Upper Palaeolithic[1]. It is one of the two main categories of Prehistoric art, the other being… … Wikipedia
Portable Network Grafics — Portable Network Graphics Dateiendung .png MIME Type image/png, image/x png … Deutsch Wikipedia