- made-to-order
- [͵meıdtʋʹɔ:də] a
сделанный на заказ
made-to-order suit - костюм, сшитый на заказ
made-to-order house - дом, построенный по индивидуальному проекту
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
made-to-order suit - костюм, сшитый на заказ
made-to-order house - дом, построенный по индивидуальному проекту
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
made to order — {adj. phr.} 1. Made specially in the way the buyer wants instead of all the same in large amounts; made especially for the buyer. * /Mr. Black s clothes were all made to order./ Compare: MADE TO MEASURE. 2. Just right. * /The weather was made to… … Dictionary of American idioms
made to order — {adj. phr.} 1. Made specially in the way the buyer wants instead of all the same in large amounts; made especially for the buyer. * /Mr. Black s clothes were all made to order./ Compare: MADE TO MEASURE. 2. Just right. * /The weather was made to… … Dictionary of American idioms
made-to-order — adj made to order clothing, furniture etc is made for one particular customer ▪ made to order curtains … Dictionary of contemporary English
made-to-order — adj. 1. made specially for a specific purpose; of articles of manufacture. Contrasted with {mass produced}, {standard}. Syn: custom made. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC] 2. made or tailored to fit a specific person; of clothing. Contrasted with {off the rack} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
made-to-order — UK US adjective COMMERCE ► used to describe something made in a particular way because a customer asked for it to be made in that way: »The image consultancy also supplies made to order clothes for its clients … Financial and business terms
made-to-order — [mād′tə ôr′dər] adj. 1. made to conform to the customer s specifications or measurements; custom made 2. perfectly suitable or conformable … English World dictionary
made-to-order — adjective 1. ) made according to the specific requests of a particular person 2. ) exactly what you need for a particular purpose … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
made-to-order — adjective 1. (of clothing) custom made • Syn: ↑bespoke, ↑bespoken, ↑tailored, ↑tailor made • Similar to: ↑custom made, ↑custom 2. built for a particular individual … Useful english dictionary
made\ to\ order — adj. phr. 1. Made specially in the way the buyer wants instead of all the same in large amounts; made especially for the buyer. Mr. Black s clothes were all made to order. Compare: made to measure 2. Just right. The weather was made to order for… … Словарь американских идиом
made-to-order — adj. made to order for * * * [ˌmeɪdtʊ ɔːdə] made to order for … Combinatory dictionary
made-to-order — adjective Date: circa 1908 1. produced to supply a special or an individual demand ; custom made 2. ideally suited (as to a particular purpose) < started the double play on a made to order grounder > … New Collegiate Dictionary