- lushed-up
- [͵lʌʃtʹʌp] a сл.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
lushed — adj drunk. This is probably a recent coinage inspired by lush meaning a heavy drinker. In fact lush as a verb, and lushed as a past participle, had existed in Eng lish slang and dialect since the early 19th century, but had fallen out of use in… … Contemporary slang
lushed — lʌʃ n. drunkard; alcoholic beverage, liquor v. drink alcoholic beverages; supply with alcoholic beverages adj. luxuriant, growing in abundance (of plants, etc.); full of plant growth, overgrown; rich, ornate, luxurious … English contemporary dictionary
lush — a drunkard Literally, succulent: He was a lush. He got the sack. (Theroux, 1983 he was dismissed for drunkenness, not given some dry white wine) Formerly a lush was an intoxicant: We gets in some lush, and as some frens, and goes … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
lush´ness — lush1 «luhsh», adjective. 1. tender and juicy; growing thick and green: »Lush grass grows along the riverbank. SYNONYM(S): succulent. 2. characterized by abundant growth; producing abundantly: »As the year Grows lush in juicy stalks (Keats). 3.… … Useful english dictionary
lush´ly — lush1 «luhsh», adjective. 1. tender and juicy; growing thick and green: »Lush grass grows along the riverbank. SYNONYM(S): succulent. 2. characterized by abundant growth; producing abundantly: »As the year Grows lush in juicy stalks (Keats). 3.… … Useful english dictionary