low-pitched — adj. 1. low in pitch or frequency; used of sounds and voices. Opposite of {high pitched}. [Narrower terms: {alto, contralto ; {baritone ; {bass, deep ; {contrabass, double bass ; {throaty ] Syn: low. [WordNet 1.5] 2. set at a low angle or slant;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
low-pitched — adj 1.) a low pitched musical note or sound is deep ≠ ↑high pitched ▪ the low pitched hum of the generator 2.) low pitched roof a roof that is not steep … Dictionary of contemporary English
low-pitched — adjective a low pitched sound is deep and sometimes difficult to hear: low pitched voices … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
low-pitched — [lō′picht′] adj. 1. having a low tone or a low range of tone [a low pitched voice] 2. having little pitch, or slope: said of a roof 3. of low intensity; subdued … English World dictionary
low-pitched — low′ pitched′ adj. 1) relatively deep in pitch or soft in sound: a low pitched whistle[/ex] 2) archit. (of a roof) having a low proportion of vertical to lateral dimensions; gently sloping • Etymology: 1615–25 … From formal English to slang
low-pitched — 1) ADJ GRADED A sound that is low pitched is deep. With a low pitched rumbling noise, the propeller began to rotate. 2) ADJ GRADED A voice that is low pitched is very soft and quiet. He kept his voice low pitched in case someone was listening … English dictionary
low-pitched — /loh picht /, adj. 1. pitched in a low register or key: a low pitched aria for the basso. 2. produced by slow vibrations; relatively grave in pitch or soft in sound: a low pitched whistle. [1615 25] * * * … Universalium
low-pitched — adjective 1 a low pitched musical note or sound is deep: the low pitched hum of the generator 2 a low pitched roof is not steep … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
low-pitched — adjective 1. used of sounds and voices; low in pitch or frequency (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑low • Ant: ↑high (for: ↑low) • Similar to: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
low-pitched — UK / US adjective a low pitched sound is deep and sometimes difficult to hear low pitched voices … English dictionary
low-pitched — adjective Of a sound, having a comparatively low pitch. Syn: low Ant: high, high pitched … Wiktionary