- long-woolled
- [͵lɒŋʹwʋld] a с.-х.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
long sheep — noun A long woolled sheep • • • Main Entry: ↑long … Useful english dictionary
Dumfriesshire — Not to be confused with Dumfriesshire (Scottish Parliament constituency) or Dumfriesshire (UK Parliament constituency). Dumfries County (until circa 1890) … Wikipedia
Southdean — SOUTHDEAN, a parish, in the district of Jedburgh, county of Roxburgh, 10 miles (S. by W.) from Jedburgh; containing, with the village of Chesters, 868 inhabitants. This place, which is also called Chesters, derives the name of Southdean,… … A Topographical dictionary of Scotland
MACARTHUR, John (1767-1834) — pioneer and founder of the wool industry was born in 1767 near Plymouth, Devonshire. His father, Alexander Macarthur, had fought for Prince Charles Edward in 1745, and after Cullodon had fled to the West Indies. Some years later he returned to… … Dictionary of Australian Biography
wooled — also woolled adjective Date: 15th century having wool especially of a specified kind used in combination < long wooled > … New Collegiate Dictionary
Grey Troender sheep — The Norwegian Grey Troender ( no. Grå trøndersau) is an endangered breed of domesticated sheep that originated from crossbreeding native landrace sheep with the now extinct Tautra sheep in the late 1800s. There are currently approximately 50… … Wikipedia