- long-lost
- [͵lɒŋʹlɒst] a
давно потерянный
long-lost happiness - давно утраченное счастье
long-lost son - давно пропавший сын
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
long-lost happiness - давно утраченное счастье
long-lost son - давно пропавший сын
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
long-lost — long ,lost adjective a long lost person, especially a relative, is someone you have not seen for a long time: She greeted him like a long lost brother. a. a long lost thing is something that has been lost for a long time: the long lost healing… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
long-lost — adj [only before noun] lost or not seen for a long time ▪ long lost treasures long lost brother/cousin/friend etc … Dictionary of contemporary English
long-lost — UK / US adjective a) a long lost person, especially a relative, is someone who you have not seen for a long time She greeted him like a long lost brother. b) a long lost thing is something that has been lost for a long time the long lost healing… … English dictionary
long-lost — adjective (only before noun) lost or not seen for a long time: long lost treasures | long lost relative/uncle/friend etc: a long lost cousin … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
long-lost — ADJ: ADJ n You use long lost to describe someone or something that you have not seen for a long time. For me it was like meeting a long lost sister. We talked, and talked, and talked... ...finding a long lost sixth century manuscript … English dictionary
long-lost — /ˈlɒŋ lɒst/ (say long lost) adjective not seen or contacted for many years: a long lost relative …
ˈlong-ˌlost — adj a long lost friend or relative is someone who you have not seen for a long time … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
long lost — adjective (Something missing for a protracted length of time) My long lost brother showed up, borrowed money and vanished again … Wiktionary
long-lost — adjective Having been missing or unknown for a protracted period of time. My long lost brother showed up, borrowed money and vanished again … Wiktionary
long-lost — adj. Long lost is used with these nouns: ↑brother, ↑cousin, ↑daughter, ↑father, ↑friend, ↑relative, ↑sister, ↑son, ↑twin … Collocations dictionary
Long Lost John — Long Lost John, alternativ auch Lost John, Lost John Dean oder Lost John from Bowling Greene, ist ein US amerikanisches Folkstück, das im Laufe der Jahre vielfach gecovert wurde. Das Lied war vor allem in Kentucky und Arkansas verbreitet, aber… … Deutsch Wikipedia