Смотреть что такое "log-hut" в других словарях:
log-hut — logˈ hut noun • • • Main Entry: ↑log … Useful english dictionary
hut — [n] tiny, often roughly built, house box*, bungalow, cabana, cabin, camp, chalet, cot, cottage, crib*, den, dugout, dump*, hovel*, hutch, lean to, lodge, log house, pigeonhole*, rathole*, refuge, shack, shanty, shed, shelter, summer house, tepee … New thesaurus
Hut (dwelling) — A hut is a small and crude shelter, usually used for dwelling. Its design favors local techniques and materials to allow for swift and inexpensive construction. Modern use Huts are used as temporary shelter by p … Wikipedia
log — 1. n. & v. n. 1 an unhewn piece of a felled tree, or a similar rough mass of wood, esp. cut for firewood. 2 a a float attached to a line wound on a reel for gauging the speed of a ship. b any other apparatus for the same purpose. 3 a record of… … Useful english dictionary
log cabin — /lɒg ˈkæbən/ (say log k2buhn) noun Originally US a small hut built from horizontally laid logs of wood, whole or split, sometimes supported by a log frame. {US English (1790s) …
hut — noun we spent two nights in a rustic little hut near the village Syn: shack, chantey, cabin, log cabin, shelter, shed, lean to, hovel; hovel; cabana … Thesaurus of popular words
hut — n 1. shed, shack, shanty, hutch, Brit. bothy; cottage, cot, bungalow, bower, cabin, log cabin, blockhouse, Brit. Dial. cote, Scot. but and ben; hole, hovel, dump, sty, pigsty, pigpen, tumbledown shack, wretched hut, mean dwelling. v 2. quarter,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
hut — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. shack, shanty, hogan, hovel, shelter, cabin. See abode. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. shack, shanty, lean to, crib, bungalow, bunkhouse, refuge, lodge, hutch, igloo, dugout, hovel, cottage, cabin, A frame,… … English dictionary for students
Stanley Mitchell hut — Geobox| alpine hut name = Stanley Mitchell hut native name = other name = category = image caption = official name = etymology type = Named for etymology = Stanley Mitchell nickname = symbol = country = CAN state type = Province state = BC region … Wikipedia
Fay hut — Geobox| alpine hut name = Fay hut native name = other name = category = image caption = official name = etymology type = Named for etymology = Charles Ernest Fay nickname = symbol = country = CAN state type = Province state = BC region = Kootenay … Wikipedia
Arthur O. Wheeler hut — Geobox| alpine hut name = Arthur O. Wheeler hut native name = other name = category = image caption = official name = etymology type = Named for etymology = Arthur Oliver Wheeler nickname = symbol = country = CAN state type = Province state = BC… … Wikipedia